Friday, March 31, 2006

March 31st is 25% Of The Way Through 2006

By Jill Koenig

Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

Today is March 31st. The first quarter of 2006 ends today. Part of my trademarked Goal Formula requires creating a schedule to track and measure your progress. How else would you know if you're heading in the right direction? So if your goal embodies money or counting numbers, pounds, etc, you need to check your stats regularly. Here are some time increments that you can schedule to check in on your stats.


Any less frequently than that and, well, you are probably not paying close enough attention to your goal. The likelihood of it coming to fruition is low. Please don't wait until next January 1st to take another sloppy stab at your dreams.

By March 31st you should be 1/4 of the way towards your goals for the year. If you are on track, yippee, take a moment to celebrate! If you're not, get yourself back on track. Grab your calendar or Day Timer and schedule your activities in advance, including checking your stats. Often a minor adjustment can make a major difference.

Are you subscribed to my Goal Newsletter? Is your entire team subscribed to the Goal Newsletter? Do you need a Goal Rush to jolt you forward? How about a Goal Makeover? Goals don't happen by accident. Hunker down, dig in, renew your commitment. Have FUN! Call your Coach and ask for help and make 2006 your BEST YEAR EVER!

Don't forget this amazing software that I highly recommend:

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig


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