Friday, August 18, 2006

Excerpts from My Interview with Dale King of GuruKnowledge

Quote for the day:

"Today pick one person from your past who impacted your life in
a positive way and write them a HAND WRITTEN letter describing
your gratitude for their presence in your life. Mail it today!"
-Jill Koenig


Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of being interviewed by
Dale King, the pioneer behind the highly acclaimed start up

I wanted to share with you the transcript of the interview:


Dale King of Interviews
World Famous Goal Guru, Jill Koenig

Dale King: Today, I'm interviewing world famous Goal Guru, and
America's #1 Goal Strategist, Jill Koenig. Hello Jill, how are

Jill Koenig: I am OUTSTANDING!

Dale King: Jill, tell my readers how and when you got started
marketing on the Internet.

Jill Koenig: I have been marketing in various formats for
approximately ten years. My past ventures were 99% offline
and only 1% online. Six months ago I launched a new brand
and fully intend to maximize the power of the internet as the
primary resource for leads, promotion and revenue. My ultimate
Goal is to share my message and empower people to pursue their
highest vision. The internet has no borders, no boundaries, no

Dale King: Some Internet marketing experts advise newbies to
steer clear of certain areas of Internet Marketing, like selling
e-books on how to make money, advertising services, SEO
services, copywriting, etc., because it's too competitive. Do
you agree with that assessment?

Jill Koenig: I encourage people to follow their bliss. If your
passion or expertise lies in a certain area, you will be
energized about pursuing it. You will create higher quality
content, you are more likely to be innovative, and you will
have longevity because you are in love with your topic.

Dale King: How is Internet Marketing different now, as opposed
to when you first got started online?

Jill Koenig: Choices. There are more choices out there for
anything you are seeking.

Dale King: How important has goal-setting been to your overall

Jill Koenig: Goal Setting is EVERYTHING. There is a good
reason why people call me the Goal Guru.

I find that most people encounter serious problems when they
don't learn the art of Goal Setting. The human mind needs
targets and time lines to aim for, otherwise you are likely to
be easily distracted and not manage your time well. There
is a simple process for identifying exactly what you desire
and then creating a plan for achieving it. I don't know anyone
who reached the top of their field without learning Goal

You owe it to yourself to learn the strategies that get results.

I have dedicated my life to teaching them all over the world.

Dale King: How important has reading been to your overall

Jill Koenig: Reading is a critical investment into yourself.
I grew up in poverty but I could walk a few blocks to the
library and read all the books I wanted for free. Books
saved my life. Books provide nourishment for the mind.

You can identify any conceivable problem and there are
books that provide solutions, suggestions and insight for
overcoming it. I read a minimum of 30 minutes every
morning. What an empowering way to begin the day.
I bring books everywhere I go and I listen to books on
audio in the car.

I love biographies. Anyone who has achieved success
in something has encountered countless challenges along
the way. Their gift to humanity is to share the lessons
of their journey. You feed your body food each day to
keep it going. Your mind needs nourishment too, and
it comes from books.

Dale King: If you could recommend one book that all Internet
marketers should read, what would it be?

Jill Koenig: The Time Commandments! Time is LIFE and
how you spend your time determines what results you
are going to get. It covers Goal Setting, prioritizing,
creating momentum and everything a person needs
to know to produce FAST results! The strategies are
timeless and apply to any area of life.

Dale King: In your opinion, what technology has changed
Internet marketing the most over the last 5 years?

Jill Koenig: High Speed Internet. With the affordability of
high speed of internet connections, marketers can now
utilize the power of video and provide instant downloads
of information products to impact their subjects. When
our culture wants something, we want it NOW.

Dale King: What new technology do you see changing Internet
marketing over the next 5 years?

Jill Koenig: Video.

Dale King: What person has influenced you the most in your
lifetime, and how?

Jill Koenig: My mom is my #1 hero. My father abandoned
our family and was gone before I was even born. My mother
picked up the pieces and made the best of a tough situation.
She did an amazing job of nurturing four little souls and
providing the emotional support that children need for
healthy self esteem.

Dale King: If you could give my readers one piece of advice,
what would it be?

Jill Koenig: If you want to create massive changes in your
life, you must arrange and design your life so that your
GOALS and DREAMS are at the FOREFRONT of your day,
instead of them being an afterthought.

Dale King: Thank you very much Jill. I appreciate you taking
the time to do this interview.

Jill Koenig: Anytime Dale. Thank you for creating an amazing
environment where people can come and learn how to
maximize their potential. Keep up the great work!


Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Copyright 2006

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. Her uplifting newspaper column is syndicated
across America and abroad. For FREE Goal Setting Strategies,
Tips and Tools or to join world's largest FREE Goal Newsletter,


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