Friday, December 29, 2006

New Video and Some Thoughts on New Years Resolutions

Quote for the Day:

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's
coming attractions."

-Albert Einstein


I was fortunate enough to spend some time at the Fox News studio

You can watch the interview by clicking on the link at

What a world class experience. I was surrounded by
world class professionals and treated like a celebrity.

The reality is that I am one motivated person who believes that
within each of us lies a reservoir of magnificent infinite
potential. My life's purpose is to help you unveil it and
unleash it.

Most of you reading this have not even discovered (or uncovered)
your greatest gifts and talents yet.

But you will.

If you decide to.

Somewhere on your list of Goals for 2007, make room for the
Goal of discovering and developing your gifts.

The path for each of you as individuals will vary, but
I know for sure you will find your purpose when you master the
#1 life skill of harnessing The Power of Goals.

All day today, everyone I encountered spoke of New Years
Resolutions with a total lack of confidence.

That is because you are conditioned to fail.

Anytime 95% of the population experiences something, the seed is
planted somewhere in the mind that you might experience it too.

I am here to plant a different seed.

A seed of expectation that 2007 WILL be your best year ever.

I have the knowledge, experience and tools to help you become
one of the other 5%.

One of the 5% who succeed.

All you have to do is commit to learning a simple formula and
creating some new habits.

On December 31st I will release the highly anticipated program

"New Year New Life! How to Make 2007 Your Best Year Ever"

You can grab a copy at the pre release price if you act quickly.

I want you to have a world class year.

Once you master the formula, you can achieve any goal you set
and commit to.

In a few days, you will be given a fresh start, a blank canvas
in the form of a new year, and you are the artist.

Create a masterpiece.

New Year New Life

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru" is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A best selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. Her Goal in life is to help you UNLEASH
your untapped potential. Learn cutting edge Goal Strategies at

Media Requests: Jill Koenig is a dynamic high energy tv and radio
guest available for interviews and corporate speaking engagements.

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
that you include our byline and let us know where the article
will be appearing.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Catch Goal Guru Jill Koenig on The Fox News Channel Friday Dec 29th

Are you preparing to set some New Years Resolutions?

Research shows that 95% of people abandon their Resolutions by the end of January.

On Friday, December 29th, Goal Guru Jill Koenig will be featured on The Fox News Channel showing you

"How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions"

They will be talking about the new Goal Setting program

"New Year New Life! How to make 2007 Your Best Year Ever"

For schedule visit:

11am Eastern
10am Central
9 am Mountain
8 am Pacific

See you there!


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Seasons Greetings and an Important Story About 54 Words, 67 Notes

Seasons Greetings! I wanted to extend my sincere gratitude and wish you a warm and wonderful Holiday Season.

I also want to take this opportunity to tell you about a legendary Holiday song that almost never was.

Back in 1939, a Russian Jewish immigrant songwriter was away for an extended time, working on a movie in Beverly Hills.

Legend has it he was homesick while separated from his wife and children, and at that time, wrote some parts of a song and then stored away the incomplete, half written work in a "song trunk."

After two years had passed, he dusted off the half written song and put the finishing touches on it.

He called it the best song he's ever written.

It was a simple song.

54 words.

67 notes.

The songwriter was Irving Berlin.

The song was White Christmas.

It became the most sold song in the world.

To this day, it is an enduring symbol of Christmas, the spirit of the Holiday season and evokes warm, loving memories.

It has been recorded countless times by countless artists and featured in countless movies.

Ivring Berlin could neither read or write musical notation but still managed to compose over 1000 other songs, which are considered the foundation of our American songbook.

Think about it.

The biggest selling song in history, the definitive Christmas song, written by a Russian Jewish immigrant who had no exposure to the Christmas holiday as a child.

The biggest selling song in history written by someone who couldn't read or write musical notation.

Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't do something.

What unfinished "song," idea or project do you have stored away somewhere, perhaps in a drawer, in a box, or even in your own imagination?

What dream lives in your heart that you long to share with the world?

What gifts have you been blessed with that you're not giving yet?

Perhaps the time wasn't right, or you were not quite ready to step into your own greatness yet.

Perhaps now is the time.

Perhaps 2007 is the year you are meant to bring it to life.

What dreams could you reignite if you dusted them off and brought them to life?

Now is your time.

As we head into the 2007, you are given the chance to begin anew...

Any dream.

A New Year brings New Life...

New Year, New Life!

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Monday, December 11, 2006

Maintain Laser Focus on Your Goals by Wearing a Goal Band

Quote for the day:

"The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of
setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore
will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced
that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you
closer to achieving your dreams."

-Og Mandino


Maintain Focus on Your Goals by Wearing a Goal Band
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker

Do you remember the specific Resolutions you made at the
beginning of last year? Most people don't.

Most people set it and forget it.

They'll set the same Resolutions in the same way, and get the
same disappointing results year after year. Life gets busy and
they get swept away. Most Resolutions are forgotten as quickly
as they are made.

I know, the same thing used to happen to me until I created new
strategies and came up with very easy ways to keep my focus.

First of all I don't make Resolutions. I set Goals that I am
committed to. I set Goals that I am passionate about and I
create plans for their attainment. I take action each and every
single day towards their attainment. I do very specific things
to maintain my focus.

I utilize a series of fun tools that serve as reminders of my
Goals. I would like to share one of them with you today.

Back in the old days when someone wanted to remember something,
they would tie a string to their finger so they would have a
constant reminder. The purpose was, if it's on your hand, you
see it so you don't forget.

Well for most people it's not practical to walk around with
strings on your fingers so I came up with a product called a
Goal Band.

A Goal Band is a colored bracelet you wear on your wrist as a
constant reminder of your Goal. You leave it on 24 hours a day,
7 days a week until you achieve your Goal.

With today's technology, you can create your own custom Goal
Band inscribed with your own unique Goal.

For example, if you want to lose weight and your target weight
is 135 lbs, I recommend you imprint the words "I happily weigh
135 lbs!" There is enough room for 24 letters including spaces.

Get creative and state your Goal using positive language in the
present tense.

They work! Companies buy them in bulk to empower their employees
to strive for specific Goals. You can print any message on them
and they won't wear out! They are made of durable, flexible
silicon and come in any color.

It's a powerful tool. No matter where I am, no matter what I am
doing, it's on my wrist and it's always working on my behalf.
Not a day goes by that someone doesn't ask me what my colored
wrist band is for. And that's part of the power... I get to tell
them about my Goal, I get to talk about it again and again.

I recommend you wear it next to your watch, so that every time
you look at the time, you see the Goal Band.

The subconscious mind is always working whether you're at work,
at play, during the day or in your sleep.

You don't have to be conscious of your Goal Band, but it is
working on your dreams as long as you are wearing it.

We wear wedding bands to symbolize our commitment to our life
mate, why wouldn't we wear a reminder of our commitment to our
most cherished Goals?

Create your own Goal Band to maintain your focus and wear it

Get your own customized Goal Band now!

Live Your Dreams

Jill Koenig

Copyright 2006 Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. She is the creator of the Goal Band, a
customized bracelet you wear to remind you of your Goal and
maintain laser focus.Her passion in life is helping you Achieve
your Goals and Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting
Edge Goal Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
that you include our byline and let us know where the article
will be appearing.


Friday, December 01, 2006

The Ten T's That Guarantee TOTAL New Years Resolution Success!

By Jill Koenig Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

(excerpt from Jill Koenig's book "Goal Rush!") Copyright 2006 Jill Koenig

With Today's fast paced lifestyle, it is crucial to embrace and implement simple strategies for achievement and fulfillment. Your job in this life is to follow your bliss, design your destiny and consciously direct the steering wheel of your life.

This is the time of year that we look back at where we've been and look ahead at where we want to be. We set some New Years Resolutions, well intentioned, with the hopes of creating positive changes in our lives. Unfortunately, research shows that as many as 95% of people abandon their resolutions by the end of January, disgusted and discouraged! It doesn't have to be that way.

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they might have planned for you? Not much.”

-Jim Rohn

If you don't implement a system for setting and achieving Goals, the winds that blow in life will sweep you off course and into a life of reaction. Having a plan you can integrate for each goal you set will ensure you are in a proactive state instead of a reactive state.

Being proactive enables you to sleep peacefully at night and awaken each day knowing that you are actively heading in the direction you want to go, developing your greatness and living your dreams. Having a system for manifesting your goals over and over builds confidence and demolishes fear.

Plug your highest priority New Years Resolutions into this Template and put them to the Test. If you don't have all of these elements, it is not likely you will achieve them successfully. A Resolution is not a mere hope or a wish... it's a Goal that you are committed to with plans for attainment that inspire and motivate you to take consistent, persistent, decisive action.

Ten T's that Guarantee Total New Years Resolution Success:

1. THIRST: You must have a burning desire for something, originating beyond mere hopes and ideas. You must have compelling dreams, a thirst, a hunger and desires that are so inspiring and motivating, they provide you with enough internal drive to fuel you and keep you going when things don't go as planned. The stronger your WHY, the more successful you will be. You must feel a magnetic pull Towards something that is meaningful and significant to you.

2. TARGETS: You must define the Targets, the outcomes, the goals, the destinations clearly and in as much detail as you can. Use your imagination to visualize and experience the deep emotions of what it will feel like when your goal is achieved.

3. TASKS: Working from your Targets and outcomes, work backwards and map out the Tasks, activities and the Things you must do to advance towards your goal. A big goal is actually made up of several smaller goals or Tasks. Do the small Tasks and the big Goal WILL be realized.

4. TIME: It takes Time, a Timetable and effort to bring your dreams to life. It requires consistent, persistent effort. Treat Time as a precious resource and invest it wisely. Create a Timetable and schedule your Tasks in your calendar, creating an action plan, broken down into small, manageable steps with a sequential order so that you know what will be done and when you will do it. As you create your Timetable, your goal becomes Tangible. Every Goal has it's own gestation period.

(for more on Time Management, review The Time Commandments!)

5. TEAM: Enlist a Team of Talented people in the form of friends, family, coaches, partners, Teachers, mentors, supporters, interns, employees, whatever it takes. The bigger the goal, the more outside support and contributors it will require. The Team you put together can make all the difference in the world. Surround yourself with positive people. When you are Taking Action and committed, people will be compelled to help you.

6. TENACITY: Be Tireless, persistent and unwavering in your commitment. Take 100% responsibility for the results you're getting. Track your results and measure your progress. If you are not happy with your progress and results, take 100% responsibility for changing it. Adjust your plan or Timetable and Tap into your burning desire and act consistently every single day.

7. TRANSCEND: Transcend limitation. Courageously go beyond your comfort zone and propel yourself to new heights. Nothing is impossible and Growth only comes from going beyond and stretching yourself. Trust that anything you can envision and commit to, you can achieve.

8. TREASURE: Treasure the journey. Savor each moment you have been given. Savor the entire experience, the challenges, the growth and the lessons you encounter. Trust that they are there to Teach you and prepare you for future experiences. Trust that you are a vessel of infinite untapped potential. The more grateful you are, the more abundance you will attract.

9. TRIUMPH: Success! Your actions have resulted in the successful realization of your goal! You have followed through on your plan, reached the goal you envisioned, so celebrate your growth and accomplishments! Take time to revel in your achievement.

10. TITHE: Share your blessings with others. Give of your Time, Talents and pocketbook. Teach others your own unique expertise and be Thankful. Give encouragement, it's free to give and priceless to those who receive it. Contribution to others will enrich your life in ways you cannot imagine. Support others in their journey in any way you can. It will come back to you Ten fold. Touch as many people as you can and leave a legacy that lasts a beyond your lifetime.

It takes all of these elements to Transform your hopes and wishes from New Years Resolutions into Results. Take your Resolutions, Transition them into Goals by empowering the Ten T's, get started Today and Take Off to a Totally Thrilling Tomorrow!

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist. A Best Selling Author, Coach and dynamic Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio Show. Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Goal Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

Media Requests: Jill Koenig is a dynamic high energy tv and radio guest available for interviews and corporate speaking engagements.

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
that you include our byline and let us know where the article
will be appearing.