Saturday, March 17, 2007

Results or Excuses?

Quote for the day:

"Personal strength in all areas of life comes as a result of
consistently pressing against what is pressing against you."

-L.T. Money


Results or Excuses?
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

I am surrounded by a great group of friends who constantly
encourage me and challenge me to stretch myself.

Many of these friends have entered my life as a direct result of
launching, which I embarked upon during a very
challenging time in my life.

I do believe in the law of attraction. Goal oriented people
attract other Goal oriented people.

Somehow you and I attracted each other, didn't we? :)

One Goal oriented friend created a Goal Band for a group of us.

On the wristband he inscribed the simple phrase:

"Results or Excuses?"

You see, we have an understanding within this circle. When we
are discussing the inevitable challenges that arise in life, our
obligation is to ask the question:

"Results or Excuses? You can't have both, which one will you

It is not intended to attack, ridicule or criticize, it is an
invitation to take another look at the challenge you are
currently faced with in a new light, with a new consciousness. A
perspective that your challenge may be of opportunity instead of
one of an obstacle.

In all great pursuits, there will be some resistance.

Sometimes when we first encounter resistance, it feels

There is temptation to give up, to quit.

And sometimes if we catch ourselves, and take another look, we
will find that we truly can work around it, overcome it, try
another approach and rise above it, even breakthrough it
entirely and reach a whole new level of success.

Sometimes that resistance is merely our own fear and self doubt.

And most of the time, fear is what arises just prior to the time
your greatest desires are about to be realized.

It's almost always uncomfortable to do something you've never
done before. And sometimes that fear is enough to cause a person
to turn back, procrastinate or give up, when if they would just
continue on, give a little more, go a little further, get a
little uncomfortable... grow and stretch, they would triumph.

For example:

There are millions of people in the world who had an idea or a
dream but never made the effort to pursue it because they were
"broke." They were afraid. It might not work. What a great

There are others in identical circumstances who made the
extraordinary effort to pursue a dream BECAUSE they were
"broke." They were afraid too. But... they pursued it anyways,
made the effort, succeeded and created Results.

For one person, being broke was an "excuse" to not attempt.

For another it is a "Reason" to rise above their circumstances
and create a "Result."

It's just a simple question.

And sometimes a simple question you ask yourself is all it
takes to give yourself a new empowering distinction.

A fresh set of eyes.

You are the captain of your ship, designer
of your destiny.


So the next time you are faced with a challenge that "appears"
insurmountable, ask yourself

"Results or Excuses, which one will you choose?"

Create your own empowering Goal Band at

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru" is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A best selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. Her Goal in life is to help you UNLEASH
your untapped potential. Learn cutting edge Goal Strategies at

Media Requests: Jill Koenig is a dynamic high energy tv and
radio guest available for interviews and corporate speaking

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