Monday, April 16, 2007

How to Unleash the Power of Vision and Realize Your Dreams

Quote for the day:
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born. -Dale Turner


How to Unleash the Power of Vision and Realize Your Dreams
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

I don't know about you, but when I was a child in elementary school, I was taught that humans have five basic senses:
Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell and Touch
As I grew as a spiritual being and observed myself and the world around me, I became aware that I had many senses beyond those five.
Senses such as Imagination, Intuition, Heart, Vision and many more.
First let me talk about the basic sense of Sight.
Sight is the ability to see a scene, situation, circumstance and the surroundings as they appear at hand before you in this present moment. Sight usually describes what you can see literally with your own two eyes.
In order to reach your Goals in life, and enjoy the journey, there is another sense you absolutely must empower...
That Sense is...
You see Sight only allows you to see the present as it "appears" and sometimes the way you perceive something is not the way it truly is or will be in the future.
This is vital to understand when you are faced with the inevitable challenges in life. When you make a mistake, an error in judgement, face a challenge, a problem or even experience misunderstandings with people in your life it is critical to empower your sense of Vision to look beyond the initial "appearance."
Appearances can be deceiving.
Have you ever gone to look for something in the refrigerator and could not find it, but later someone else found it in plain sight? It was there all along. There are times in life when we are unable to see the forest for the trees. We get so caught up in something (usually negative) that we cannot see the obvious or take in the beauty that is right in front of our face. It's there, but we will not allow ourselves to see it.
But the beauty is there. It always is.
Sometimes we're flat out wrong, mistaken or the situation is being misunderstood. Sometimes we are not willing to take another look from a different perspective. Sometimes we're overwhelmed by a challenge. But if all you do is focus on the appearance, the problem, or what you think you "see," you will never work through it or get beyond it.
Your current capacity of your sense of Vision is tested and revealed most clearly when you are in the midst of a crisis.
The greater the challenge, the more you will need to tap into your sense of Vision.
Often what you see depends on your attitude, beliefs and life philosophy. And that can be improved upon over time if you work on yourself.
Here's one empowering philosophy to help you establish a positive Vision:
The greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity.
I have seen amazing relationships torn apart by lack of Vision. I have seen people divorce, abandon businesses and quit on life in the face of a struggle that was only a temporary setback. I have seen people give up on their dreams because they could not see beyond the moment, or because they perceived something inaccurately in a moment of crisis or fear.
Vision is a choice that allows you view the challenge, or problem, as a gift, as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Vision is fueled gratitude. Vision tells you that the current situation is only temporary. Vision allows you to look within. Vision allows you to see your contribution to the situation. Vision allows you to look beyond the present. Vision allows you to experience positive emotions beyond the discomfort you currently feel. Vision allows you to create a positive outcome. Vision provides you opportunities to try new approaches to bring about the outcome you truly desire.
Most people who are struggling are caught up or stuck in tiny battles because they can only "see" what something "appears" to be at the moment. In war and in life, there are many battles. Sight only reveals the current battle at hand.
Vision allows you to comprehend that you do not need to win every little battle in order to win the war. Most people never get beyond the smaller battles. They get stuck there because they are only using their sense of Sight.
When one comes from a place of Sight, it is usually from reaction. You are reacting to a situation, often unconsciously. Usually from old conditioning. Often from fear and from limiting beliefs.
When you are experiencing Anger, Resentment, Blame, Fear and Anxiety, you are in a state of Sight. Those negative emotions can literally blind you from seeing the beauty right in front of you just like looking for that thing in the fridge.
When one comes from a place of Vision, it is from a place of proactive insightful balance, wisdom, love, compassion, responsibility and introspection.
When you are experiencing Love, Hope, Forgiveness, Responsibility, Optimism, Possibility, etc you are in a state of Vision.
Which is more fun to live in?
Which state is more resourceful? Which state allows you to attract more love and abundance? Which state gives you a feeling of more control? Which state brings more gratitude? Which state is more empowering?
Great problem solvers are able to tap into their sense of Vision. It has become a habit for them. Their happiness is not dependent on winning every battle. The understand that they need those battles to learn lessons that will serve them in the future. They understand that by harnessing their sense of Vision, they can positively affect the ultimate outcome they seek in the larger picture.
The way to Supercharge Vision is to blend it with positive emotions such as Faith, Hope, Love, Forgiveness and Optimism. Vision heals. Vision solves. Vision builds. Vision creates. Vision empowers. Vision unites. Vision blesses the one who utilizes it and everyone around you.
Vision shows you what is possible.
Vision is what enables a Michelangelo to transform a blank canvas into a masterpiece.
Vision is what enables a Walt Disney to keep on keeping on despite being turned down for financing by hundreds of banks when his pursuing his dream.
Vision is what enables an Elton John to see a piano keyboard and with his touch and create a beautiful song.
Vision is what enables a Steve Wynn to transform a sparse desert into a magical paradise.
So ask yourself, what problems have you been stuck in a limited state of Sight? What circumstance "appeared" hopeless that you can revisit with a new set of eyes?
How could you transform it by tapping into the Power of Vision?
Live Your Dreams,
Jill Koenig

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Blogger Unknown said...

Sometimes VISION feels crazy - especailly in the face of others who doubt it. I am comfortable with the SIGHT mode where not much is expected. Its the VISION mode that I struggle to tune into each day. This is the time for me to do it once and for all - prove to myself that there is a VISION just waiting to burst out of me. Maybe crazy is an OK way to feel right now!

8:14 AM  

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