Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Your Defining Moments

Throughout history, every human being at some point in their life is faced with at least one pivotal life changing experience.

Some will even experience a series of events in their lifetime that change the course of their personal history forever.

I call those experiences your defining moments.

Defining moments are when a transformation or radical shift occurs inside you and you are never the same afterwards.

Your defining moments may occur upon meeting a pivotal person such as a mentor or when you lock eyes with your soulmate or your spouse for the first time. Perhaps it is when you become a parent, face an illness or experience the loss of a loved one.

Quite often, your defining moments are thrust upon you unexpectedly. You are going about your day to day life when something happens that causes a shift.

For others, there is another type of defining moment.

The type of moment that originates from within by making a clear, conscious decision.

A decision that originates with the desire for change.

For Rosa Parks, it was on a bus in the south.

Her defining moment altered the course of American history.

For Napoleon Hill it was through the study of success.

His defining moment lives on to this day in the timeless lessons and books he gifted us.

For Rhonda Byrne, it was the commitment to realize her Goal of making a movie (The Secret).

Her defining moment left a monumental imprint on the modern day personal growth industry.

For Mother Teresa, it was to devote her life to serving the poorest of the poor.

Her defining moment led her to a Nobel Peace Prize and a legacy of contribution on a global level.

The one thing each of those legendary figures has in common is this.


They made a conscious decision to make a contribution beyond themselves.

They set their Goal.

They committed.

They took the necessary actions, no matter what, to see it through.

You see, you have the same ability to consciously create your own defining moments any time you want.

Don't sit around and wait for life to send you that defining moment.

Create it by taking a stand for what you believe in, for who you want to become and what you want to give and contribute to the world.

If you could give, be, have, do and become anything you want, what would that be?

What is your legacy?

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Everything I Know About Business I Learned from My Mama

Not a day goes by without someone asking me what book I am currently reading.

I am an advocate of reading at least one hour per day, every single day.

I am currently reading this hilarious down home guide to business by Tim Knox. Tim is a successful internet entrepreneur and radio host and I am thoroughly enjoying this easy read.
Oh, and for a limited time, when you grab the book through this link, you will have access to over $4,137 in instant bonuses.

Live Your Dreams,


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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Dynamic Power of Discipline

"There are two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons." -Jim Rohn

The Power of Discipline
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

I used to feel threatened by discipline.

In my youth, my greatest passion was art and my ability to create a masterpiece was based purely on spontaneous inspiration, which didn't always jive with discipline.

I used to think that too much discipline would interfere with my creativity, or minimize my energy and motivation.

That was one of many limiting beliefs that held me back for a time.

As time goes on, my appreciation for discipline grows, especially when it comes to Goal Setting.

Let's look at the definition

Discipline: training that develops self control, efficiency, etc.

The fact is that discipline is a powerful force and there are times in life that you absolutely must employ it in order to reach your Goals.

For example, I started running again a few weeks ago after a long hiatus. My Goal was to work up to a capacity of running 3 to 4 miles per day for fun 4 times per week.

Because I was rusty, the only way for me to achieve that Goal, to build up my endurance and expand my ability to run longer distances, was through discipline. Start small and consistently increase my capacity.

I had to start with walking and work up to being able to jog slowly for short distances and then add longer distances.

In the past month I have logged about 70 miles of running and walking. It wouldn't have worked if I tried to do all 70 miles in one day out of the blue because true conditioning comes from consistency and strategic graduation of frequency, duration and intensity.

Three to four times per week, I had to create a new discipline of walking or jogging 1, 2, 3 and then 4 miles. I had to work up to it and get out and do it even when I didn't feel like it.

But because I was committed to being consistent and disciplined, I quickly worked my way from walking to jogging and gradually was able to increase the distance.

I conditioned my muscles, joints and respiratory system to accomodate the new demands by starting with small steps and increasing in gradual increments. I understood prior to beginning that this was part of the process. I defined my Goal and stayed focused.

As you would imagine, it was difficult at first. I was huffing and puffing and praying just to be able to cover a couple of miles at a snails pace.

At times it was uncomfortable.

At times it was painful. Muscles when not used atrophy. My muscles were not accustomed to those demands at that level of intensity. The only way to condition them is to do a little and incrementally increase the demand and duration gradually over time.

Rushing it could cause an injury, therefore consistency is the key element, which comes down to discipline.

"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons." -Jim Rohn

Some people when going after their Goals, quit or turn back at the first sight of pain not realizing that the pain or discomfort is a price that must be paid.

The short term pain was worth it to experience the long term gain of achieving my Goal.

What was difficult in the beginning is much easier now thanks to discipline.

Your action step:

Think of a Goal in your own life that requires a similar application of discipline and take the next step.

Live Your Dreams

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru" is America's Top Goal Strategist. A best selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. Her Goal in life is to help you UNLEASH your untapped potential. Learn cutting edge Goal Strategies at

Media Requests: Jill Koenig is a dynamic high energy tv andradio guest available for interviews and corporate speaking engagements.

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask that you include our byline and let us know where the article will be appearing

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Working at Home? Here are 10 Ways to Be More Productive

by Alexandria K. Brown, “The E-zine Queen”

Ah, working at home... Visions of leisurely days, conference calls in comfy sweatpants, increased productivity with fewer interruptions. But the distinctions between work life and home life soon blur. You really should throw some laundry in the wash before you write that proposal. You have an hour before a meeting: Should you balance your books or clean the kitchen? And remember to call that client back right after you empty the cat box.

Welcome to the real world of working at home: unforeseen distractions, a lack of structured time, and sometimes a perceived loss of identity. But don't give up the dream just yet! By putting into place a few simple ideas, you can reap more of the rewards of working at home. Based on my experiences and those of my associates, here are 10 simple ways to help you stay on track.

1. Separate Your Space.

Keep a separate, distinct work area in your home. (This is especially difficult if you're living and working in a shoebox studio, like I was when I started my business in New York City!) If you don't have a separate room, at least define an area, and know that when you're in it, you're in "work mode."

2. Structure Your Time.

As your business and personal time mesh, it's more important than ever to structure your day. For example, if you regularly take a walk or go to the gym, try to do it every day at the same time. Value that personal appointment with yourself — even when you're very busy. It will actually help you keep your business on track! I like to get up early and work until noon, then I take a few hours off to enjoy lunch, do some reading, and take my daily jog on the beach. Then I'm back at my desk at 4:00 until who knows when!

3. Outsource All You Can.

When I began my business, I made the mistake of acting as my own courier service. I soon learned how much time I was wasting by frequently visiting clients just to pick things up and drop them off. Whenever you start thinking, "Well I can just do that myself," STOP. Streamline your business, making everything as automatic as possible. Use outside services to stay focused on your *real work*. Get accounts with an overnight delivery service, messenger service, virtual assistant (VA), bookkeeper, etc. Save your energy for your brilliant ideas! : )

4. Use Technology to Your Advantage.

In-person meetings are very valuable when appropriate, but schedule them sparingly. Try to do most of your business via phone, fax, and e-mail using the best equipment you can afford. For most home-based entrepreneurs, when you're out of the office, you're NOT making money. So it's important that you can communicate flawlessly from where you are. And PLEASE do us all a favor and get separate lines/services for your phone, fax, and Internet! No one likes getting a busy signal.

(BONUS TIP: If your phone company offers voicemail, get it. Not only will your outgoing message sound more professional, but if you're on an important call and don't want to be disturbed, other callers can still leave you a message.)

5. Group Your Errands.

Try to group your meetings and errands together to minimize your out-of-office time. Make a list in the morning of all the outside tasks you need done for the day, and attempt to complete them in one fell swoop. Even better, do what I do and designate just one day a week as your "blitz" day for errands and meetings. Plus, then you only need to get dressed up one day a week! : )

6. Stay Focused.

Make your workspace off-limits to other roommates or family members when you're working. For you animal lovers, this may go for pets as well. (My cat Francine gets *very* jealous when I'm not giving her complete attention!) Keep all personal paperwork such as bills, magazines, and to-do lists out of sight, so they won't distract you from your projects.

7. Beware of Yappers.

Many of your friends and family will be immediately delighted when they learn that you're working at home. They picture you lounging on the couch, eating potato chips, and waiting for their calls. When they call you simply to chat, politely remind them that you're working, and ask them if you can call them back after your day is over. It may take them a while, but they'll eventually get the idea.

8. Work With Your Moods.

Keep track of your moods and productivity compared with the time of day. For example, if you find you're more alert in the morning, use this time to make important calls and do your creative work. Take advantage of your natural cycles. If you feel better after an afternoon nap, go for it! (I'm a BIG proponent of the catnap. In fact, I may start a support group.)

9. Suit Yourself.

To bring out your best work, make your environment perfect for YOU. How do you work best? With plenty of breaks, or with no interruptions? In silence, or with some light music in the background? On a cushy couch and coffee table, or at a business desk in an ergonomic chair? (My friends thought I was nuts when I spent $750 on my Herman Miller Aeron chair, but they quickly understood why once they sat in it! And my spine thanks me every day.)

Also, find some places you can do work when you need a change of scenery. How about the library, the park, or your neighborhood coffee shop? When I need to do serious reading, thinking, or editing, I take my work outside to the beach. The sea air, sunshine, and soothing waves help me think much more clearly.

10. Break for People.

Feeling sluggish, lonely, or moody? Arrange for at least one social break during the week. (I aim for two or three.) Schedule breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even just coffee with a client, vendor, or friend. Join a business networking group, or sign-up for social activities such as dance class or recreational sports league. Don't go into hermit mode — it can be self-destructive!

(c) Alexandria K. Brown

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Alexandria K. Brown, “The E-zine Queen,” is author of the award-winning manual, “Boost Business With Your Own E-zine.” To learn more about her book and sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit her site at

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday Momentum: The Best Way to Begin Your Week

Quote for the day:

"If it's easy to do, it's easy not to do." -Jim Rohn


Monday Momentum: The Best Way to Begin Your Week
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

Let me ask you, how did you begin your day today?

And how do you approach your week?

With positive determination and strength, eager to seize the day and opportunities before you?

Or with apprehension, dreading all you have to do?

Do you guide the direction of your week based upon your Goals?

Or do the circumstances of the week sweep you off track leaving you feeling like there's never enough time?

I learned very quickly that Mondays are a crucial day.

Some people are going to have a rough week simply because theyhave not decided to create an amazing one starting right now,today.

Your Goal for Mondays should be to create as much momentum asyou possibly can towards completing your Goals and objectives,creating measurable progress, advancing your mission, giving asmuch as you can and taking a bite out of life.

I call it "Monday Momentum."


Because Monday sets the tone for the remainder of the week.

When you create momentum, it is actually easier to do what needsto be done later and the energy that your momentum createsactually carries you through.

Momentum breeds Momentum.

Momentum feeds your energy.

Momentum is contagious.

Here are tips for creating Monday Momentum:

* Plan your entire week on paper in advance on Sunday evening.

* Get up a little earlier Monday mornings.

* Listen to an uplifting motivational or educational audio. is a great one to get yourhead on straight to take on the week with focus, clarity andenthusiasm. (spaced repetition is one of the most powerfullearning strategies known to man)

* Get your workout in early in the morning. (this will energizeyou to take on the day and you can even do this while you arelistening to the audio)

* Look at your Goals. Rewrite them.

* Drink lots of water and be sure to follow healthy diet andnutrition ( to keep your energy upthroughout the day.

The beginning of anything is always a crucial time.

The same applies to your week.

The first hour in the morning is the rudder of your day.

No one should be hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock.

You should be popping out of bed like bread pops out of thetoaster!

When you get off to a great start on Monday morning, the rest ofthe week will follow and you will breeze through the rest of theweek with vitality and vigor.

What you do with your time and what time of day you do it iscritical to understand in relation to Time Management. High performing men and women consistently apply this secret and advance rapidly in life.

And Time Management is as much about having the right prioritiesand energy to create an amazing day full of momentum to buildupon, which will lead to an amazing week, which leads to anamazing month, which leads to an amazing year, which leads to anamazing life... follow me?

Create a new habit of generating Monday Momentum.

What will it cost you if you don't?

Become invigorated.

Become unstoppable.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru" is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A best selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an
expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. Her Goal in life is to help you UNLEASH your
untapped potential. Learn cutting edge Goal Strategies at

Media Requests: Jill Koenig is a dynamic high energy tv and
radio guest available for interviews and corporate speaking

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
that you include our byline and let us know where the article
will be appearing.

Lose up to 30 lbs. Dr Recommended, Natural


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Have you seen The Secret?Learn how Joe Vitale co star of The
Secret went from homeless to Millionaire by using The Law of

Make 2007 Your Breakout Year! New Year NewLife!

The year round program that helps you reach your Goals:

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Power of Concentration

This is remarkable.

This kind of climb requires 100% focus and concentration.

I love the point when he says, "it's either do or not do."

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Monday, June 04, 2007

Running Your Own Race

Quote for the Day:

"Success is a peace of mind which is a direct result
of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort
to do the best of which you are capable."
-Coach John Wooden
Running Your Own Race
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

When I was a teenager I volunteered to work the water station at a 10k (6.2 mile) race.

It was called the "Heaven Can Wait" 10 K run and iroically, it was sponsored by the local cemetery.

My job was to pass out water to the runners. I remember being so excited to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past.

I saw so many types of people doing it, I thought maybe I can do it too!

So the next year I signed up for the race and gave it a shot.

Back then I didn't do much to prepare except jog around my neighborhood. I never tracked how far I jogged, I just ran around.

I had no time goals for the race, no specialized training, no game plan, nothing.

Needless to say that I prepare differently when I run races today, but back then my only goal was to finish.

On the day of the race, it was incredibly hot and humid. I remember struggling at about the 5th mile, thinking, "I must be crazy, why did I do this? What was I thinking? And at one point, I said, "I am never doing this again!"

Have you ever felt that way about something? You eagerly undertake a goal and in the midst of it comes a moment of struggle, and you realize it is much harder than you imagined it would be?

That first 10 k race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked. At times, I didn't know if I could finish.

Then came a defining moment.

At one point near the end, a 70 year old man ran past me, very very fast, and I felt embarrassed that I was 50 years younger than he and I couldn't even keep up with him.

But then I realized something.

He was running his race and I was running mine.

He had different capacities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. (remember my goal was merely to finish).

How often in life do we compare ourselves to others and feel disappointed in ourselves when we really shouldn't?

After a minute, it hit me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my embarrassment into inspiration. I decided that I would not give up on running races, in fact I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare properly and one day I would be one of those 70 year olds who was still running.

I am so glad I didn't give up on running. Today it is an incredible source of joy in my life. I have run several races since then, 5ks 10ks and I run purely for fun. I have studied running books, made friendships with other runners and I can report that I love it now more than ever.

In life we all have those moments where we compare ourselves to others. It's only natural. Don't allow those moments disempower you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. Use them to show you what is possible.

Every struggle is rich with opportunity.

You define your own race when you define your own Goals.

With the proper preparation and conditioning, you can improve your results to achieve anything you want.

You decide your race and you decide your own pace.

Rarely in life will your destiny be determined by one little race.

Life is a series of races.

There are lessons in every race. There are life lessons to be learned every single day.

If you don't win the race, but you get the lesson, and grow, you are truly a success.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru" is America's Top Goal Strategist. A
best selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an
expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. Her Goal in life is to help you UNLEASH your
untapped potential. Learn cutting edge Goal Strategies at

Media Requests: Jill Koenig is a dynamic high energy tv and
radio guest available for interviews and corporate speaking

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
that you include our byline and let us know where the article
will be appearing.

Work less, earn more and gain control over your life:

Have you seen The Secret?Learn how Joe Vitale co star of The
Secret went from homeless to Millionaire by using The Law of

Make 2007 Your Breakout Year! New Year NewLife!

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Setting Realistic Goals

I'm sure if you're a serious Goal Setter, at some point you have heard the acronym of S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Time Bound

That's logical except for one thing.

Most people are not inspired by "Reasonable" Goals.

And who decides what is reasonable?

Most of the Goals that I set out to achieve last year were completely UNreasonable.

I wrote two highly acclaimed books and created two audio programs in a span of less than six months. I also partnered with other leaders and contributed to dozens of books, programs and projects. I started a new business from scratch and achieved outrageous results. This is the first time that I am publicly sharing that for much of that time I was providing around the clock care for a sick relative, squeezing in my work in between the demands of their care.

So why am I telling you this now?

Because it was "UNrealistic" to pursue some of the goals I set.

It was outrageous.

It was ... I.N.S.A.N.E.


I understood that even in the face of struggle, I always have a choice. I could let go of my deepest desires or I could embrace them and find comfort in them.

I did have to change some time tables. But I held tight to my Goals and dreams.

Many times I was only able to do a little towards their advancement, but I always did something. Every single day. And those little somethings added up and accumulated into BIG results.

I didn't let anyone else tell me what was "realistic."

Other people don't know my capacity, my determination, my dreams, my motivation, my mission in life, my destiny.

And part of that destiny is growth. Perseverance. Overcoming obstacles. I used to be afraid to be uncomfortable. I would never grow if I only did what was comfortable, what was easy. I found the power that lies within doing the difficult, embracing a challenge, feeling the fear and doing it anyways. You cannot live your dreams when you are "reasonable."

Do you think Bill Gates, Oprah, Tiger Woods, YouTube, Ray Kroc, Henry Ford, or Einstein set "realistic" Goals?

Heck NO! People thought they were INSANE!

I found that after you do what is uncomfortable, that thing is no longer uncomfortable. By progressively doing a little more and going beyond, you create a whole new level in your life.

So don't set easy Goals. Set Goals that make you stretch. Set goals that challenge you and force you to grow. Set Goals that motivate you to become more today than you were yesterday. St Goals that make you become extraordinary. Set Goals that scare you. Set Goals that make you feel ALIVE. Set Goals that are compelling and be willing to do the work.

Set some UNrealistic Goals.

Set some INSANE Goals.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru" is America's Top Goal Strategist. A best selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. Her Goal in life is to help you UNLEASH your untapped potential. Learn cutting edge Goal Strategies at

Media Requests: Jill Koenig is a dynamic high energy tv and radio guest available for interviews and corporate speaking engagements.

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome toreprint this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simplyask that you include our byline and let us know where thearticle will be appearing.

Work less, earn more and gain control over your life:

Have you seen The Secret?Learn how Joe Vitale co star of The Secret went from homeless to Millionaire by using The Law of Attraction

Make 2007 Your Breakout Year! New Year NewLife!

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