Saturday, April 08, 2006

Are You Committed ?

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

I am surrounded by entrepreneurs. I meet people everyday with big ideas. However, not everyone is committed to their own brainchild and to bringing those ideas to life.

Let's begin by looking at the word commit.


Commit: to bind, as by a promise: pledge: entrust, consign, perform

Too often people use the word "committed" rather loosely when they are referring to their goals. Frequently a person will use the word committed when the reality is they are merely "interested." The difference in the meanings between the two words is enormous.

Committed does not mean "interested."

Committed does not mean to "try."

To commit means to do and to keep doing, and to keep doing, and to keep doing until completed.

The larger your goal is, the longer it is going to take to reach your outcome and the greater the commitment it will require. The longer it is going to take to achieve the goal, the more time and opportunities there are for things to happen that invite you to veer off course from your goal.

You must learn to sustain your drive and focus on your goal throughout everything.

You cannot be ambiguous about your dreams. Nothing magical ever happens without your commitment.

Greatness happens when you are truly committed to something or someone. People around you can feel it. Your burning desire is contagious. Determination is infectious. Not only do peers become inspired to help you and support you, but they also feel more inspired to go after their own dreams. The collective effect of that type of synergy can move mountains.

The number one reason people don't reach their goals is because they never really committed to them in the first place. Committed people don't quit.

The best planning cannot predict every obstacle. Sure you can foresee the possibility of bumps in the road when things don't go as planned, but are you COMMITTED to find the ways around them when those pesky problems arise? If you're not committed, then you will likely not find the solutions or alternative approach to your ultimate destination. You cannot find the answers to a problem and move forward when you are also looking at the exit door. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time. Focus on the solution. Become a solution oriented person. The human will is one of the most powerful forces in the world. And where there's a will, there's a way. If you don't have the will, the commitment, the perseverance or the determination, you will never find the way.

There are millions of ideas and inventions that are sitting on a shelf or in someone's attic or even worse, in a grave somewhere because someone gave up. Maybe they were one more action, one more day or one person away from success, but they quit instead. The world will be forever deprived of that thing, that gift that was placed in them that only they could bring… perhaps it was a song, a book, a movie, a painting, a company or something that might have changed the world for the better. We look at the Bill Gates' and the Thomas Edisons and the Oprahs of the world and we think they had a higher intelligence about this or that. What they were/are is COMMITTED. They had gifts, ideas and talents and persisted. While en route to their vision, they attracted and teamed up with other great minds, people who could help propel that vision forward. When something didn't go as planned, they never considered quitting, ever. When the hours were long and the money was short, their passion and drive sustained them through every adversity.

Did you know Thomas Edison tested over 10,000 inventions that DID NOT work before he found the one that DID work? All of his brilliance would have been wasted without commitment, without perseverance. What if he quit after 5,000 "failures?" We wouldn't even be talking about him, we would be talking about the person who persisted with his ideas and theories after he quit.

In what areas of your life did you take a stab at something before you quit? Some people are constant quitters. That's why they're not the Thomas Edison or the Bill Gates of their industry or genre. The greats of the world are so clear and committed about what they want to accomplish, they cannot even fathom quitting. They are masters at setting and pursuing goals.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Sometimes when two people have the same goal, it is the one who is more committed who will win. Lance Armstrong continued to ride his bike in the off season after every Tour De France while his competitors took it easy, decreased and even dropped their bike training. They went back to their off season junk food diets. That is why Lance Armstrong is a Champion. He was committed.

When these successful people tried 10 ways that didn't work, they found 10 more and when those didn't work they found 10 more. When you get stuck...Andd you will, if your dream is worth having, and if you are committed, you will find 10 more ways. You will also build your own belief in yourself.

If you set a goal that you estimate will take many weeks, months or even years, there are going to be hundreds, if not thousands of moments during that time where you are going to have to work through a challenge, and the strength to accomplish this originates primarily from your own commitment. Your promise to yourself and your promise to others are internally driven. You must commit to rise above all circumstance and bring out the best in yourself. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Your greatest adversities are your greatest teachers. If you quit on your dreams, you'll never learn the lesson. If you keep avoiding the lessons by quitting at the first sign of struggle, you will keep experiencing the same thing over and over with each new thing you "try." If all you ever do is that which is easy, what kind of growth do you think you will experience? Inner strength is something you build inside yourself by committing, by continually improving yourself, and by standing up with courage in the face of obstacles. Learn to do what is difficult even when you don't want to. Learn to take the next step even when you are afraid. Every challenge is followed by a victory for those who persist.

A dream without a plan is only a wish. A plan without a commitment is fantasy.

Your persistence is your measure of faith in yourself.

Commit to and pursue your goals and dreams with everything you've got. I'll see you at the top.

Live Your Dreams!

Jill Koenig


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