Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Lessons from Derek Gehl, from $25 to $60 Million and Counting...

By Jill Koenig Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

I just got back from a weekend with Derek Gehl, President of the hugely successful Internet Marketing Center.

IMC has sold $60 million in products online. Not bad for a business that was started by Corey Rudl with $25 in a tiny bedroom in Canada. IMC's entire business is based upon helping people earn money on the internet.

Derek always starts off his two day seminars with a bang, covering none other than... GOALS. He knows you can have all the information in the world, and great ideas, but if you don't have a plan with direction, desire and targets, then the information is rather useless.

Not many people know the story about how Derek came to be a part of IMC's success story.

One fall morning back in 1998, Derek Gehl marched into Corey Rudl's tiny office and announced that he was going to come and work for Corey. Seeing as how Corey only had ONE employee at that time (his secretary), he politely explained to Derek that he was a one-man operation, and tried to send him on his way...

But Derek didn't give up that easily. He sat down and explained to Corey why he wanted to be his first employee -- and exactly what he would be able to do for him. And after a 3-hour long conversation ...

Corey decided to give him a shot! and Derek became his right hand man.

This became a crucial decision because on June 5, 2005, Corey Rudl was killed in a car accident at the age of 34.

Derek was chosen to take the reigns at IMC and in his first year at the helm has done an amazing job at moving the Corey's mission forward, creating 10 new products, increasing business, and overcoming a situation that would have destroyed many companies. He did all this despite his feelings of sadness over the loss of his friend.

Derek has an amazing ability to set goals, create actionable plans and carry through on them. Sometimes focusing on your goals is what gets you through the tough times.

Derek's greatest strength is his ability to almost instantly develop a workable action plan for just about any business.

He has an uncanny knack for knowing WHY a business may not be meeting it's full online potential -- and then coming up with a long list of specific steps that the business owner can take to start improving things immediately! Goals are the foundation of his approach.

Derek rose to the forefront and has become a greater leader. Corey Rudl was wise enough to surround himself with other leaders. Leaders don't want their peers to be dependent on them or fall apart when they are gone. They lead by example every time they overcome a challenge. They want their peers and proteges to develop the greatness within, step up and rise above every adversity.

I'd say Derek is doing just that.

Derek helped me make some changes to improve my web site and
newsletter. Small changes can lead to amazing results...

For more on Corey, Derek and the Internet Marketing Center click here

What small changes can you make today, that would improve your
results in some area of your life or business?

Let me know if I can help you in any way.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig is America's Top Goal Strategist. She is an expert
on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business
Success. She publishes the world's largest Goal Newsletter at

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Friday, June 16, 2006

Time Is Precious

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

In coaching and mentoring countless entrepreneurs, I see many of the same patterns of success and many of the same patterns of failure over and over. I found these patterns in my own life and business at one time, too. Because of witnessing those common struggles, over the past decade I invested thousands of hours in studying the highest achievers of the last century.

You and I can think of hundreds of people we know that posses great ideas and natural talent, but they never get off the ground with their hopes and dreams. I see it every day. These people are gifted but they don't know how to get from where they are to where they want to be. I set out to discover what separates the dreamers from the do'ers.

I asked, what does a Napoleon Hill or a Bill Gates or an Oprah Winfrey or a Tiger Woods or a Tony Robbins do that enables them to position themselves as a SUPER leader, allowing them to become a leader among other leaders? There were two characteristics I found that put them head and shoulders above everyone else, making them the best of the best.

The two main characteristics that separate the very top from all the other talented, wise and ambitious leaders is how they set goals and how they manage their time. They all have the same 24 hours in a day as you and I. They all started from scratch and became the best in their field in record time. Their accomplishments are now legendary.

I started to document the commonalities in how they, and thousands of other leaders approached their time. I learned their secrets, I studied their habits, principles, philosophies and mindsets and from them, I created an easy to follow success system.

The results were remarkable.

As I integrated these strategies into my own life, I went from living in poverty to living in luxury. I built a business from scratch from $100 to $ 1 million within 5 years. (I can do it much faster now because of the internet). I enjoyed amazing vacations and enjoyed tremendous freedom to travel wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. I met the most amazing people. I was able to meet and work with many of the leaders I studied.

I started to teach these time management principles to the entrepreneurs I mentored. They succeeded quickly as well by following the success system I created. For what seems like forever, my proteges begged me to create an audio program they could study over and over and share with their friends, family and colleagues.

For the first time ever I am making The Time Commandments! system available to the public.

But before I let it out for the world to discover, I wanted to share it with you as a gesture of my appreciation for being a subscriber to my Goal Newsletter. I value your support. I value your time.

I appreciate you.

I want you to enjoy the journey of going after your goals.

I want you to enjoy more freedom in your life.

I want you to seize the day... everyday.

I want you to have more time with your family.

I want you to experience more love and joy in your life.

I want you to succeed.

I want you to develop your greatness.

Time is precious.

Here is the link for The Time Commandments! audio program:


You are welcome to share this link with your friends and peers because there are limited quantities available at the 25% discounted price and I want them to go to the go getters.

Thank You.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Friday, June 02, 2006

We All Start Somewhere

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

Do you remember your first job?

When I was in grade school, I earned money shoveling snow, mowing people's lawns, washing cars and picking up dog poop for neighbors. I still carry with me the lessons I learned back then. I learned to be willing and eager to work hard. I learned that if you care about people and do a great job, people will hire you again. I learned that if people like you, they will recommend you to their friends and peers.

People forget sometimes that every great achievement began with a goal and was backed by commitment, hard work, persistence and gradual improvement. To illustrate this, I started to keep a list of first jobs that famous people have worked. When you look at them now, you cannot imagine they ever did anything other then what they do now.

But we all start somewhere. Here is a list of some famous people and their first jobs:

Madeline Albright, former US Sec of State
first job: Dept Store Bra Sales Clerk

Alan Dershowitz, Author, Attorney
first job: Deli Factory Worker

Michael Eisner, former CEO Disney
first job: Camp Counselor

Nancy Grace, CNN Host, Attorney
first job: Sears Candy Clerk

Jay Leno, Comedian, Host of The Tonight Show
first job: McDonalds

Cal Ripken, jr, Former Major League Baseball player
first job: Errand Boy in Minor League Clubhouse

Tony Robbins, Author, Motivational Speaker
first job: Janitor

Gene Simmons, KISS Rock Star
first job: Paper Boy

Russell Simmons, Founder Def Jam Records
first job: fast food- Orange Julius

George Steinbrenner, owner NY Yankees
first job: Raising Chickens

Isiah Thomas, Former NBA Basketball Player
first job: Shoe Shine Boy

Donald Trump, Real Estate Investor
first job: Collected Soda Bottles, then Rent Money for father

Oprah Winfrey, Billionaire, Talk Show Host
first job: Radio Station Announcer

Many millionaires started as paper boys or worked in fast food. There were many humble beginnings from people who went on to change the world. These people were born with greatness inside them, just like you have greatness inside you. These people progressed, improved themselves, worked hard and grew into their greatness. These people never gave up on their dreams.

No matter your current occupation, what you do is not who you are. We all have to start somewhere.

The people who rise to greatness in anything follow their bliss. They don't squander their time. They get started and keep on keeping on.

What gift or passion do you posses that you have been yearning to develop or pursue?

What secret dreams do you harbor that you haven't started yet?

What are you waiting for?

Set your goals and get it going.

Make your move.

No one else can do it for you.

Take the next step.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig
