Monday, August 28, 2006

How Goals Unleash the Superhero Inside You

By Jill Koenig

Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

Within every human being, exists an infinite supply of creativity, strength and wonder.

You are capable of more than you know.

Let me tell you about a real life Superhero I know. His name is Mike Berkson.

Mike Berkson was born a few minutes after his twin brother David, on February 4th, 1989. Shortly after birth, Mike was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Doctors told his parents that he would not be able to talk and he would never be a student in a regular classroom. By the time Mike was 3, he was not only talking up a storm but had a thirst for vocabulary. Mike sets BIG Goals. Mike excels in English and History, is creative in writing short stories and has ambitions in film making.

Mike lives in a Chicago suburb and now attends high school. He loves rap music, Seinfeld reruns, movies, girls, and many other things most teenagers are interested in. Mike is unique in that he has to work around some obstacles in his day to day life that you and I will never be faced with.

Because he is confined to a wheelchair, and has limited use of his arms and legs, he is paired with someone to help him through the day so he can attend school and get the quality of education he deserves. For a few years, my friend Tim was fortunate enough to be paired with Mike and serve as Mike's aid and helper.

Ponder the things you do every day and imagine being physically unable to do them. Tim was responsible for taking notes for Mike, assisting him with eating, the bathroom, transportation and all the things that we do without thinking about.

As Tim and Mike grew closer and Tim became a member of Mike's family, Tim felt a yearning to share with the world Mike's awesome attitude, and how Mike deals with prejudices, ignorance and inconveniences despite his circumstances.

Tim was so inspired by the Superhero within in Mike, that last year he set a goal to write a book about Mike and run 1,200 miles from Florida to Chicago to promote it.

Just one tiny problem... at the time, Tim could hardly run 30 minutes and in order to achieve his goals within 4 months, he would have write the book at blazing speed and get into the kind of physical condition to maintain a pace of running 40 miles per day for 31 straight days.

Impossible you might think? No. Remember I told you that you are more powerful than you think you are.

You see Tim had a unique source of motivation to fuel his goals. He had Mike. He had the examples from years of watching Mike display the traits of a real life Superhero. Tim had the inspiration of making a promise to an exceptional young man. Tim had the motivation of a purpose greater than himself.

Tim had the yearning to pursue a series of goals so much bigger than anything he had ever done before, that he just had to try. As a tribute to Mike, Tim had to push himself beyond anything he ever previously did, as Mike does every single day.

Some people in life believe you should only pursue goals you know you can achieve. Others believe the success lies in the growth that occurs from stretching beyond your previous wins, and that all growth is success.

How do you define success?

I interviewed Tim recently on my radio show. Tim explains how he found an endurance coach and transformed himself from a couch potato into an ultra endurance champion. Tim did not reach his goal of running 40 miles a day. You see, his plan was flawed. He made a lot of mistakes. His schedule for the run was so tight, that he did not allow himself any room for error, like weather, funding, or the hazards of running alongside traffic. His approach for raising money was limited. He had a skeleton crew.

He had to return home by a certain date, regardless of how far behind he was, so he had to drive the distances to catch up when he fell behind. Shortly after he started his journey, he realized he would not be able to achieve the 1,200 miles and still make it home on time. But he kept running, anyways, he wanted to Keep On Keeping On. He would rather continue stretching himself than consider quitting.

Why is Tim's journey considered a success by many? Because he dared to pursue it in the first place. Because he did finish his book about Mike in record time. Because he succeeded in transforming his body into an Ultra Endurance Machine for that time. Because he DID succeed in running an average of 24 miles per day for a total of 700 miles. Because he didn't quit, even when he realized he could not reach every goal he set for himself. Because he touched the heart of a young man who looked up to him. Because he inspired a lot of people to go beyond what they previously thought they could do.

Because for a moment in time, he tapped into the Superhero inside himself and unleashed more of his own potential.

Rising above circumstances like a champion inspires other people.

We must re evaluate our perspective on what success really is.

Are you a success if you play it safe your whole life and never dare anything unless you are guaranteed victory?

When you set BIG Goals, it is important to set many smaller goals that coincide with it. Even if you fail to reach your deadline for one, you will still succeed at many, and you will build your confidence to a much higher level.

There is a Superhero inside YOU.

What Goals can you set that will inspire you to unleash it?

Keep On Keeping On.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Copyright 2006

To listen to the complete interview with Tim, visit:

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. Her uplifting newspaper column is syndicated
across America and abroad. For FREE Goal Setting Strategies,
Tips and Tools or to join world's largest FREE Goal Newsletter,


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Friday, August 18, 2006

Excerpts from My Interview with Dale King of GuruKnowledge

Quote for the day:

"Today pick one person from your past who impacted your life in
a positive way and write them a HAND WRITTEN letter describing
your gratitude for their presence in your life. Mail it today!"
-Jill Koenig


Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of being interviewed by
Dale King, the pioneer behind the highly acclaimed start up

I wanted to share with you the transcript of the interview:


Dale King of Interviews
World Famous Goal Guru, Jill Koenig

Dale King: Today, I'm interviewing world famous Goal Guru, and
America's #1 Goal Strategist, Jill Koenig. Hello Jill, how are

Jill Koenig: I am OUTSTANDING!

Dale King: Jill, tell my readers how and when you got started
marketing on the Internet.

Jill Koenig: I have been marketing in various formats for
approximately ten years. My past ventures were 99% offline
and only 1% online. Six months ago I launched a new brand
and fully intend to maximize the power of the internet as the
primary resource for leads, promotion and revenue. My ultimate
Goal is to share my message and empower people to pursue their
highest vision. The internet has no borders, no boundaries, no

Dale King: Some Internet marketing experts advise newbies to
steer clear of certain areas of Internet Marketing, like selling
e-books on how to make money, advertising services, SEO
services, copywriting, etc., because it's too competitive. Do
you agree with that assessment?

Jill Koenig: I encourage people to follow their bliss. If your
passion or expertise lies in a certain area, you will be
energized about pursuing it. You will create higher quality
content, you are more likely to be innovative, and you will
have longevity because you are in love with your topic.

Dale King: How is Internet Marketing different now, as opposed
to when you first got started online?

Jill Koenig: Choices. There are more choices out there for
anything you are seeking.

Dale King: How important has goal-setting been to your overall

Jill Koenig: Goal Setting is EVERYTHING. There is a good
reason why people call me the Goal Guru.

I find that most people encounter serious problems when they
don't learn the art of Goal Setting. The human mind needs
targets and time lines to aim for, otherwise you are likely to
be easily distracted and not manage your time well. There
is a simple process for identifying exactly what you desire
and then creating a plan for achieving it. I don't know anyone
who reached the top of their field without learning Goal

You owe it to yourself to learn the strategies that get results.

I have dedicated my life to teaching them all over the world.

Dale King: How important has reading been to your overall

Jill Koenig: Reading is a critical investment into yourself.
I grew up in poverty but I could walk a few blocks to the
library and read all the books I wanted for free. Books
saved my life. Books provide nourishment for the mind.

You can identify any conceivable problem and there are
books that provide solutions, suggestions and insight for
overcoming it. I read a minimum of 30 minutes every
morning. What an empowering way to begin the day.
I bring books everywhere I go and I listen to books on
audio in the car.

I love biographies. Anyone who has achieved success
in something has encountered countless challenges along
the way. Their gift to humanity is to share the lessons
of their journey. You feed your body food each day to
keep it going. Your mind needs nourishment too, and
it comes from books.

Dale King: If you could recommend one book that all Internet
marketers should read, what would it be?

Jill Koenig: The Time Commandments! Time is LIFE and
how you spend your time determines what results you
are going to get. It covers Goal Setting, prioritizing,
creating momentum and everything a person needs
to know to produce FAST results! The strategies are
timeless and apply to any area of life.

Dale King: In your opinion, what technology has changed
Internet marketing the most over the last 5 years?

Jill Koenig: High Speed Internet. With the affordability of
high speed of internet connections, marketers can now
utilize the power of video and provide instant downloads
of information products to impact their subjects. When
our culture wants something, we want it NOW.

Dale King: What new technology do you see changing Internet
marketing over the next 5 years?

Jill Koenig: Video.

Dale King: What person has influenced you the most in your
lifetime, and how?

Jill Koenig: My mom is my #1 hero. My father abandoned
our family and was gone before I was even born. My mother
picked up the pieces and made the best of a tough situation.
She did an amazing job of nurturing four little souls and
providing the emotional support that children need for
healthy self esteem.

Dale King: If you could give my readers one piece of advice,
what would it be?

Jill Koenig: If you want to create massive changes in your
life, you must arrange and design your life so that your
GOALS and DREAMS are at the FOREFRONT of your day,
instead of them being an afterthought.

Dale King: Thank you very much Jill. I appreciate you taking
the time to do this interview.

Jill Koenig: Anytime Dale. Thank you for creating an amazing
environment where people can come and learn how to
maximize their potential. Keep up the great work!


Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Copyright 2006

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. Her uplifting newspaper column is syndicated
across America and abroad. For FREE Goal Setting Strategies,
Tips and Tools or to join world's largest FREE Goal Newsletter,


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You are welcome to reprint this article on your web site or in
your ezine. We simply ask that you include our byline and let
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Time Management Strategies of a Self-Made Millionaire

By Jill Koenig

Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

When I graduated high school, I received a partial scholarship to study at a prestigious Chicago Art School. At nights and on the weekends I worked as a Firefighter/EMT, which gave me a unique perspective on TIME and how fragile life can be. I saw things at the age of 18 that most people will never see in their entire lifetime.

I watched people come into this world, I witnessed people take their last breath and I saw everything in between. I helped people in the aftermath of accidents, illness and violent tragedy and I learned a valuable lesson I built my life around... DO NOT SQUANDER TIME.

Time is a precious resource. Time is LIFE.

A lot of people don't know that I left Art school after 1 year and started my first business out of my tiny bedroom of the home in the ghetto I grew up in. It's not a glamorous beginning, in fact it was brutal, but my circumstances of living in poverty certainly provided me with more than enough motivation to succeed.

I was in my 20's. I had zero capital. It was either sink or swim.

I learned very quickly when everything is riding on your shoulders, you live or die based upon how you spend your time.

You might think that's too black and white, or too intense, but that's the philosophy that guided my decisions minute to minute, day to day.

That clear cut philosophy is what enabled me to earn more in a month than I previously earned in a year.

That clear cut philosophy is what led me to develop a laser like focus and generate quick income, starting with only $100.

That philosophy is what enabled me to double my income and then double it again, and again and again. By the time I was 30 years old, I was a self made millionaire and was living in a custom built dream home I helped design. In a short time I went from a crime ridden ghetto, to living in a sanctuary like paradise, surrounded by a nature preserve, complete with my very own creek and backyard putting green. I went from living among thugs and drugs to living among millionaires.

People always want to know how I was able to achieve such a dramatic transformation so quickly.

Here are some of the secrets and strategies that guide my life:

"If you want to make rapid changes in your life, you must arrange and design your life so that your GOALS and DREAMS are at the FOREFRONT of your days, instead of them being an afterthought." -Jill Koenig

My Goals direct my thoughts.

My Goals direct my days.

You have got to let your GOALS, dreams and visions become so real and near to you that you feel them in your soul. My goals live in every cell of my body, they are within every breath I take. I integrate my goals so clearly into my existence, I cannot be separated from them by any outside event, person or circumstance.

I believe I am guided and if I do not achieve my goals as I envisioned them, I will receive something much, much better than anything I could have ever dreamed of.

I understand a positive mental attitude is key, especially when things go wrong.

I visualize my Goals constantly and they become a part of me.

I include others in my goals, and never miss an opportunity to help someone else reach theirs, even when I don't think I have much to offer.

I never discourage anyone from going after their dreams... ever.

It has been said that God's gift to you is LIFE.

What you do with it is your gift to God.

Let's see. I live in America. I have the absolute freedom to design my own life.

That's a lot more than millions of other people have who are born elsewhere in the world.

People risk their lives to come to America and experience a small taste of the rights I was born with, which were granted to me by my country's insightful forefathers.

I am healthy. I have 2 hands, 2 feet and a brain that works reasonable well. Some people don't have that. There is no reason in the world I couldn't become anything I want if I am willing to do my part and keep on keeping on.

There isn't anything I can't learn.

I make a concerted effort to read, learn and grow every single day.

I can change my life and start over anytime I want.

I can pursue my own American dream.

I am FREE.

And I am responsible for my own decisions and actions.

Someone once told me, "You are what you do." How and where you spend your time, and your actions are indicative of your self-esteem and your own self-worth. What you do with your time reveals what you truly value. Not what you "say" you value. You can raise your standards at any time.

This story is not to impress you, simply to illustrate what is possible for you if you strive to master your time and treat every minute as a precious resource.

Cherish your health and the people around you.

Be Bold. Be courageous.

Set Goals and get to work.

If you are going to do something, do it with all your might.

Make the Mastery of Time a priority in your life.

I actually created products to help people program themselves for success. They pay for themselves many times over for those who are committed to investing a few minutes a day.

Do not squander time.

There are 525,600 minutes in a year.

That's a lot of minutes.

How are you spending yours?

Jill Koenig

Copyright 2006

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist. A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. Her uplifting newspaper column is syndicated across America and abroad. For FREE Goal Setting Strategies, Tips and Tools as well as archives of her radio show or to Join the world's largest FREE Goal Newsletter, visit:

Copyright 2006


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your ezine. We simply ask that you include our byline and let
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Monday, August 14, 2006

So You Want to Write a Book?

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker

According to a survey by USA Today and the Association of American Publishers, 82 percent of all Americans plan to write a book someday.

Just about everyone talks about writing the book, but very few have actually set a goal with an action plan and a deadline.

Perhaps this is because they don't know where to start. The fact is, there are many ways to write your book and make it available for purchase to the public.

You can self-publish, you can seek a traditional publisher and you can even create your own downloadable ebook. Each method has it's own advantages and disadvantages. We'll cover this in more detail in upcoming articles and podcasts.

The key is for you to pinpoint what you are trying to accomplish, and why. Why do you want to write a book? Once you have decided your outcome, and answered a few other crucial questions, you can then decide which approach is best for you.

Do you know the story behind Chicken Soup for the Soul?

Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield spent 3 years collecting uplifting stories from their peers. In 1992, they began sending their manuscript to publishers.

In the first 30 days, they received 33 rejections and THEIR OWN AGENT FIRED THEM.

All totaled, 140 publishers rejected the book.

Hansen and Canfield then went to a book publishing conference (now the BEA) and went booth to booth. They were turned down by another 134 publishers. They left a copy of their manuscript with a publisher who read it and agreed to publish it.

They were more than $ 140,000 in debt from their project.

They continued on long after most other people would have quit and given up.

What differentiates Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield from other authors?

Their GOALS. Their determination. Their persistence.

Here were their Goals for Chicken Soup:

1993: First Goal 1 1/2 million in 1 1/2 years
1995: 5 million original Chicken Soup
1996: 10 million books
2000: 50 million books
2020: 1 Billion books

Lofty goals for a book that they were told nobody wanted.

You must believe more in your vision than any rejection you encounter.

Hansen said, "Writers create babies called books and then orphan them."

Most people give up at the first sign of rejection.

"Focus more on your GOALS than your obstacles." -Jill Koenig

Hansen and Canfield had this advice after they continually succeeded in reaching their goals:

"Find great Mentors. Surround yourself with well chosen mentors and it will dramatically change your life!" Get a Coach.

That's great advice. A great coach can keep you focused on what you need to do to reach your goals.

The Chicken Soup series has sold more than 100 Million books and counting.

Most authors will tell you:

10% of the work is writing the book.

The other 90% of the work is marketing, promoting, selling and advertising.

So be prepared to keep working on your book by marketing it long after you have finished writing it. Wise authors can make more on licensing and other streams of income from their book besides royalties. But you've got to learn how to do it. You've got to set goals. You must create a plan and set aside the time for making it happen.

I interviewed Diane Eble, a highly sought after book coach and you can listen to Part 1 of the free podcast here:

It has been reported that 6 million people have written a manuscript. Most manuscripts don't make it to print. So if you have a goal to bring your book to the market, I recommend you study the podcast and get started towards making your dream a reality.

I want to read your book.

I want you to share your gifts with the world.

If not now, then when?

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Copyright 2006

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist. A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. Her uplifting newspaper column is syndicated across America and abroad. For FREE Goal Setting Strategies, Tips and Tools or to join world's largest FREE Goal Newsletter, visit:

Copyright 2006


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Monday, August 07, 2006

Tony Robbins Used to Be A Depressed Janitor...

Every great accomplishment was born from a single thought, an idea, a goal. Leaders are able to harness their own talents, empower themselves and inspire others to bring their goals to fruition despite all odds, despite all setbacks, despite all obstacles.

Tony Robbins is one example of how one person can pick themselves up and thrive, that no matter where you are at today, you can accomplish ANYTHING you desire. If Tony Robbins can turn his life around and become one of the greatest motivational leaders of our time, imagine what you can do.

Every great achievement was once an idea.

Every International MultiMillion, MultiBillion dollar company originated from a thought that one person had the courage to put into motion.

Every Millionaire and Billionaire who pursued their dream picked themselves up every time they go knocked down.

We must remind ourselves of all the greatness, all of the potential that is dormant within us just yearning to be UNLEASHED. The world needs what YOU have to offer.

This story made it's way around the world within days of publication.

Please forward it to anyone you know who has a dream. Forward this to anyone who needs a little extra encouragement and inspiration. Forward this to remind them of the greatness within. If you're not going after what you desire in life, print it out to remind yourself to Keep On Keeping On.

Do you remember your first job?

When I was in grade school, I earned money shoveling snow, mowing people's lawns, washing cars and picking up dog poop for neighbors. I still carry with me the lessons I learned back then. I learned to be willing and eager to work hard. I learned that if you care about people and do a great job, people will hire you again. I learned that if people like you, they will recommend you to their friends and peers.

People forget sometimes that every great achievement began with a goal and was backed by commitment, hard work, persistence and gradual improvement. To illustrate this, I started to keep a list of first jobs that famous people have worked. When you look at them now, you cannot imagine they ever did anything other then what they do now.

But we all start somewhere. Here is a list of some famous people and their first jobs:

Madeline Albright, former US Sec of State first job: Dept Store Bra Sales Clerk

Alan Dershowitz, Author, Attorney first job: Deli Factory Worker

Michael Eisner, former CEO Disney first job: Camp Counselor

Nancy Grace, CNN Host, Attorney first job: Sears Candy Clerk

Jay Leno, Comedian, Host of The Tonight Show first job: McDonalds

Cal Ripken, jr, Former Major League Baseball player first job: Errand Boy in Minor League Clubhouse

Tony Robbins, Author, Motivational Speaker first job: Janitor

Gene Simmons, KISS Rock Star first job: Paper Boy

Russell Simmons, Founder Def Jam Records first job: fast food- Orange Julius

George Steinbrenner, owner NY Yankees first job: Raising Chickens

Isiah Thomas, Former NBA Basketball Player first job: Shoe Shine Boy

Donald Trump, Real Estate Investor first job: Collected Soda Bottles, then Rent Money for father

Oprah Winfrey, Billionaire, Talk Show Host first job: Radio Station Announcer

Many millionaires started as paper boys or worked in fast food. There were many humble beginnings from people who went on to change the world. These people were born with greatness inside them, just like you have greatness inside you. These people progressed, improved themselves, worked hard and grew into their greatness. These people never gave up on their dreams.

No matter your current occupation, what you do is not who you are. We all have to start somewhere.

The people who rise to greatness in anything follow their bliss. They don't squander their time. They get started and keep on keeping on.

Tony Robbins is an example of how one person can pick themselves up and thrive, that no matter where you are today, you can accomplish ANYTHING you desire. You must learn to set goals and channel your energies and attention on the steps to take you towards their attainment.

What gift or passion do you posses that you have been yearning to develop or pursue?

What secret dreams do you harbor that you haven't started yet?

What are you waiting for?

Set your goals and get it going.

Make your move.

No one else can do it for you.

Take the next step.

Do one thing right now to advance your goal.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist. A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. Her uplifting newspaper column is syndicated across America and abroad. For FREE Goal Setting Strategies, Tips and Tools or to join world's largest FREE Goal Newsletter, visit:

Copyright 2006


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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Parenting and Family Goals

While many of the readers of the Goal Blog are entrepreneurs, many of you are parents as well, trying to juggle your work and family life.

It is important when setting Goals, that we set goals for all of the areas of our life:


While we are on the subject, I ran across a great blog for moms that I wanted to pass along: I love the post on personality types.

Growth requires seeking out ways of improving every area of your life and for busy moms, this is a great site to get you in the zone of establishing and maintaining a harmonious home environment.

Take some time today and set some small goals you would like to achieve in your family. What are some ways you can create nurturing, positive quality family time? Here are some examples:

Establish a familyGame night
Make dinner together and experiment with different recipes
Take a family field trip
Create a fun family exercise program
Volunteer as a family for a day at a homeless shelter or special needs charity
Don't forget to Establish a date night for 1 on 1 time with your honey

and my favorite:
Establish a routine of going over positives and thank you's with your children about what you're grateful for each day. If not at the dinner table, how about as a bedtime routine. Thank your children for anything and everything they did that day. Catch them doing something good and acknowledge every effort you can find!

How's that for a start?

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig is America's Top Goal Strategist. She is an expert
on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business
Success. She publishes the world's largest Goal Newsletter at

Copyright 2006


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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My #1 Secret to Time Management... and it's FREE

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

If you are seeking to achieve greatness in any area of your life, the two critical subjects you must strive to improve on are Goal Setting and Time Management. Those two subjects should be studied as much as or more than any other key component of your business.

You cannot succeed in one without also succeeding in the other.

When you feel overwhelmed, (we have all felt that way at one time or another), it's time to take a closer look at what you are spending your time on from the minute you wake up, to the minute you fall asleep.

For entrepreneurs, this is critical because if you're not focusing your time and attention on your key result areas, there won't be many positive results occurring.

Most people want a business of their own so they can set their own hours and work whenever they want; sleeping in, taking days off whenever they want, etc. What we know about business is that the entrepreneur's livelihood and success are dependent on being extremely disciplined and consistent, especially when your business is in it's infancy. You are responsible for your own success.

Your time management habits are either ensuring your success or leading you to failure.

Let me get more specific.

Your time management habits are either leading you towards reaching your goals, or leading you away from reaching your goals.

Are you directing your day?

Or is the day and it's circumstances directing you?

Your time habits are worthy of a closer look... right now. Not tomorrow, but today.

The #1 habit for effectiveness is to become conscious of where you are investing your time... all day long. Everyday.

"Effective entrepreneurs do not start with their tasks. They start with their time. And they do not start out planning. THEY START BY FINDING OUT WHERE THEIR TIME ACTUALLY GOES. Then they attempt to manage their time and to cut back on unproductive usages of their time." -Peter Drucker

This strategy is covered in TheTimeCommandments! Time Management Success System. I teach in great detail how to:

1) Define your goals
2) Direct your time according to your goals and
3) Monitor your time and measure your results

In order to grow your business, you must become more efficient than you are right now.

The only way to become more efficient is to monitor your time and measure your results.

If you have employees, you must also teach this or hire a coach to teach this to them.

Here is my #1 Secret to Time Management and increasing efficiency:

Keep a Time Log.

The best way to improve your Time Management is to monitor your time and keep a time log.

Keeping a Time Log means documenting what you are doing on a given day and logging what you are spending your time on at regularly scheduled, predetermined intervals. You can use a notebook and set your watch or a timer to beep every 15 minutes and write down what you are doing, or you can use other FREE tools like this:

You cannot improve what you don't measure.

Every entrepreneur has a choice.

Either pay the price of discipline or pay the price of regret.

Believe me, it is much easier to pay the price of discipline.

And it is easier to go fast than to go slow.

After you have recorded your activities for the day in your time log, ask yourself these questions:

Did the investment of my time today lead me towards my goals or away from my goals?

If a camera crew followed me around all day today, and broadcast my habits and practices, would I be proud or would I be embarrassed?

Am I a shining example of efficiency or a warning of what not to do?

If I had a boss looking over my shoulder, would I still have a job or would I be fired?

Are my actions and investments of time causing the results I am seeking?

If not, what changes do I need to make?

We cannot ignore the universal laws of cause and effect and expect to be successful.

If your results are not currently what you want them to be, your causes are in need of adjustment. Examine your causes, which are where you are investing your time.

I recommend keeping a time log:

Daily if you are struggling or feeling overwhelmed.

Then weekly until your bad time habits are broken.

Then biweekly.

Ask yourself this question all day long:

Is this the best use of my time right now?

Keeping a time log is free. And it's easy to do. And it will inevitably shine a spotlight on the areas that you need to improve on.

In my new audio program, I reveal the Top 10 Time Management Strategies for achieving your goals. The program is designed to be listened to every day if your desire is to become a Results Seeking Time Management Super Achiever:

If you are serious about success...

Do it now...

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig is America's Top Goal Strategist. She is an expert
on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business
Success. She publishes the world's largest Goal Newsletter at

Copyright 2006


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