Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Tribute to Crocodile Hunter Stever Irwin

Like so many people around the World, I was truly stunned to hear the news of the passing of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, due to a highly unusual stingray barb to the heart.

I want to share with you somethings you might not have known about Steve.

Steve was raised in a zooalogical environment. His parents founded the Australia Zoo in 1970. Steve spent his entire life around wildlife. He caught his first croc at the age of 8. He did not set out to become a tv personality, it actually happened quite by accident as he was pursuing another goal. Wildlife Conservation.

Steve's first passion in life was Wildlife Conservation.

Irwin said, "That's why I was put on this Earth. That's why I'm here."

Steve was busy with his passion for crocodile conservation, humanely capturing crocs when he had an idea. He wanted to film a documentary using a video camera his father gave him.

Because he was usually working alone, he decided to set up a video camera in a tree to film himself in action so he could share it with his father and his friends. His friends were immediately captivated and he garnered enough support to film his first full documentary, which later inspired his television show, which made him a worldwide star and put a much bigger spotlight on Wildlife Conservation.

Irwin had a larger than life personality. He connected with everyone from young children to adults of all ages. His enthusiasm was contagious. He found a way to entertain while teaching. You know you learn more when you're having fun and you couldn't help but be captivated as Irwin told the story of each creature he featured.

"If you can touch people with wildlife, they will want to save it." -Steve Irwin

One of the most valuable lessons we can learn from Steve Irwin is to follow your bliss and pursue your passions. He lived pursuing his passion, every single day of his life. He met his wife while pursuing his passion (while she was also pursuing hers), his family was integral in his passion and he died pursuing his passion.

One of his friends said, "He lived 10 lifetimes in his 44 years."

"The reason I have been put on this planet is to save wildlife." -Steve Irwin

He considered himself a Wildlife Warrior. Irwin said, "A warrior is someone who is engaged in battle and my battle is Conservation."

If you were touched by Steve Irwin, do something today to honor his mission. Get involved with a conservation group, make a donation, write a letter, talk to your children about it. Find out what you can do with what you have. There is always something you can do. Just do something.

Steve's goal was wildlife Conservation.

Set a goal today to honor your own passion.

Have the courage to develop your own gifts and share them with the world.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist. A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio Show. Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and Unleash your untapped potential. Find out more about her Cutting Edge Goal Strategies at

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