Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Who Is Your Millionaire Mentor ?

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

There is one key ingredient to success that is often overlooked.

If you are working on your dreams, you might be just one ingredient away from unlocking and unleashing your destiny.

You might be one ingredient away from living your dreams.

You might be one ingredient away from becoming a Millionaire or Multi-Millionaire or even a Billionaire.

This one ingredient often means the difference between taking decades to reach your goals or speeding up the pace of advancement to a matter of days.

That one ingredient is a Mentor.

There are seeds of greatness within you right now, but sometimes it takes the assistance of a Mentor to help you on your way.

I have been blessed to have had many types of mentors throughout my life, from teachers in grade school, to youth service workers in my community, to business people who saw something in me and encouraged me or offered to guide me.

I lived in the same impoverished ghetto as people who went on to join gangs, drop out of school, become addicted to drugs, and many of them are no longer with us. They made different choices. Those people had the same potential within them that I did. But I had mentors to look up to.

I made a decision as a youth, to search out positive Mentors. Not just as a one time thing, but as a lifelong mission. And even though I have gone on to success in mentoring thousands of people, I still Mentor others and I still seek out Mentors.

When mentors appeared, I embraced them and studied them. I read what they told me to read, I went where they told me to go and I did what they told me to do.

What makes a great Mentor?

A great Mentor sees more potential in you than you do in yourself.

A great Mentor can show you the way and point out things you might not otherwise see or be aware of. Sometimes weaknesses, sometimes strengths, sometimes patterns that you unconsciously practice that hold you back.

A great Mentor believes in you.

A great Mentor inspires you.

A great Mentor knows that the same seeds of greatness that were inside them are inside you too.

A great Mentor cultivates and nourishes those seeds, they help you grow.

A great Mentor helps you bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to be.

A great Mentor Coaches you to breakthrough your limiting beliefs.

I have been invited to be a part of an amazing new movement to bring you some of the greatest Mentors of our lifetime. It is actually one of the most powerful, positive projects I have ever seen and you can be a part of it too.

If you would like to learn from today's most empowering leaders, I urge you to head over to http://www.MillionaireMentor.com and sign up so you can be part of this incredible experience.

I want you to reach your goals. I want you to live your dreams. I want you to have access to the BEST Mentors anywhere in the world.

All you have to do is take the next step.


Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig


Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist. A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio Show. Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Goal Strategies and get your FREE ebook at http://www.GoalGuru.com

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask that you include our byline and let us know where the article will be appearing.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Five Simple Steps for Achieving Your Goals

By Jill Koenig

Here are some simple Goal Strategies I use to reach my goals every time:

1) Decide exactly what you want (write it down)
2) Affirm WHY you want it (the bigger the reason the more internal motivation you are giving yourself) (write them on paper)
3) Define the actions you will need to take to achieve it (on paper)
4) Schedule the actions (in your calendar)
5) Do It! (Follow through and carry out your plan)

It helps if you find images or photos that represent your goal and put them in places you’ll see often (bathroom mirror, briefcase, in your car, on your screensaver, on the refrigerator)

If your goal is a long term goal, break it into smaller goals. Schedule at least one thing to do each day (A Goal A Day). Doing one goal each day will add up and you will create enough momentum to carry you through!

Define your top 10 goals for the year
Define your top 10 goals for the month
Define your top 10 goals for the week

One last thing… rewrite your top 10 list weekly, daily if you can.

Live Your Dreams!

Jill Koenig

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio
Show. Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and
Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Goal
Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
that you include our byline and let us know where the article
will be appearing.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Problems or Opportunities? How YouTube Created a $1.6 Billion Opportunity

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

I'm sure you've heard the news that Google reached an agreement to acquire YouTube.com for $ 1.6 Billion US dollars.

Not a bad piece of change for a couple of guys who were started their "little" business on credit cards in a garage.

Yep. It's true.

In fact, YouTube had not even earned a profit yet! Those with a limited vision spoke of YouTube as a failure up to that point. Take note. There are so many numbers that matter in business, and in life as well as your long term view and strategy. More on that later.

What's more interesting is how You Tube was started in the first place.

Back in January 2005, Chard Hurley and Steve Chen , were just a couple of guys who wanted to share some videos they made at a dinner party in San Francisco. Except they had a problem.

There was no easy way to share the video with their friends. The files were too large to send via email and back then there was no easy way to put them online.

So they got to working in their garage on creating solutions to the "problem" (aka opportunity). What emerged is a video sharing site now known as YouTube, which became an internet phenomenon in a matter of months. They provide technology so that anyone with a video file can easily post it online for all the world to see.

From zero to $1.6 Billion in a mere year and a half.


Hurley and Chan are no strangers to adversity. They were among the first 20 hires at PayPal in 1999 and witnessed the Dot Com boom that later bombed. (Hurley designed the logo that PayPal still uses to this day). They watched as tech companies came and went.

"We started this to solve a personal problem," says Hurley. "Now we're creating a new way to reach audiences in an era where the traditional TV time slot doesn't exist anymore."

Back to the skeptics who called YouTube a failure. Remember I said earlier there are a variety of numbers to take into consideration in business.

YouTube went from nothing to 4.2 million monthly visitors to their site within 3 months. YouTube currently captures 45 percent of the online video market. 100 million videos are available on YouTube on any given day and 65,000 new videos are added daily. YouTube now enjoys 20 million unique visitors per month. YouTube is still growing by leaps and bounds.

That's not a failure. That's part of a strategic plan. One that worked out nicely for two guys under 30 who started in their garage a little over a year ago by turning a "problem" into an "opportunity."

"Whether or not something is a problem or an opportunity is determined by your own attitude, approach and perspective." -Jill Koenig

They saw companies rise and they saw companies fall. They had advisors, they sought their own Millionaire Mentors. They invested their time wisely. They saw an opportunity and held tight to their dreams.

Hurley and Chen were rewarded 1.6 million ways for their brilliant perspective and perseverance.

What are some challenges or setbacks you have been faced with that you can turn into opportunities?

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig


Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio
Show. Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and
Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Goal
Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

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this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
that you include our byline and let us know where the article
will be appearing.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thou Shall Honor Time as a Precious Resource

Quote for today:

“Make each day useful and cheerful and prove that you know the
worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be happy, old
age without regret and life a beautiful success.”

-Louisa May Alcott


Thou Shall Honor Time As a Precious Resource

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

The most precious and valuable resource today is not real
estate, it is not gold, it is not sex, it is not oil or gasoline.

The most precious and valuable resource is time.

Time is more valuable than money.

You can make more money, but you cannot make more time.

Time is perishable, and the decisions you make about how to
spend your time will largely determine the quality of your life.

The decisions you make about how to spend your time will
determine how efficient you are at your work. The decisions you
make about how to spend your time with loved ones will determine
the quality of your life in your relationships.

Time is the great equalizer.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day as everyone else.

No matter how much money you accumulate, you cannot write a
check at the end of your life and purchase more time.

In my quest to discover what makes someone 1000 times more
successful or wealthy or more fulfilled than someone else, I
found many secrets that the leaders of every field already know.

Great leaders are great time managers.

For most people, the vast majority of waking hours are spent at
work. Let me clarify. Most of your LIFE is spent at work.
Therefore it is imperative that you are engaged in work that you
truly love. This doesn’t mean to quit a job you don’t enjoy,
rather get to working on an extra stream of income in the
subject of your passion and start working towards YOUR dreams,
not someone else’s.

The foundation, the philosophy of The Time Commandments is to honor
TIME as a precious resource. This means making a study of
Time Management and Life Management. This means working on
yourself more than you do your business. This means re evaluating
your values and priorities so that you are assured your life
is moving in the direction of your greatest desires. No one can
do this for you. Once you learn this formula for success, you will
gain clarity, confidence, energy and excitement. You will
naturally and effortlessly integrate it into your everyday life.


You must invest in yourself. Invest time into reading books
and teachings (like this one) and invest in audio programs that
help you learn and grow. Master your time and you will reach your
goals faster than you ever thought possible.

Next, you must follow your bliss.

Your Goals should revolve around your passions.

When you are doing what you love, your work bypasses your brain
and comes directly through the heart. Oprah Winfrey knows this.
Bill Gates knows this. Warren Buffet knows this. Tiger Woods
knows this. Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin knew this. I know
this. In fact, my bliss lies in talking to you right now, and
helping you make positive changes in your life.

How can you incorporate more of what you value, more of what you
love into your daily life?

"If you want to make rapid changes in your life, you must
arrange and design your life so that your GOALS and DREAMS are
at the FOREFRONT of your days, instead of them being an
afterthought." -Jill Koenig

Most people think that following your bliss is something you do
after everything else is done. To experience true joy on a day
to day basis, make a habit of incorporating your greatest loves
into your days everyday.

Don't be like most people and suffer through the day Monday
through Friday and try to squeeze in morsels of fun and joy
during the weekend. You might have to rearrange some things or
even eliminate things to make room for more of what you love
but it is well worth it.

Have you been treating TIME as a precious rescource?

Or are you going to wait until a tragedy, death or illness
gives you a wake up call?

Think of 5 ways you can begin to incorporate your bliss into
your life everyday.

Do one thing today to get started.

Do it now.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig


Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio
Show.Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and
Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Goal
Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
that you include our byline and let us know where the article
will be appearing.
