Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How I Turned a Success Study into the Life of My Dreams


Quote for the day:

"If we become increasingly humble about how little we know,
we may be more eager to search."

- Sir John Templeton


Reminder: Just released!

The Time Commandments! Ebook

Ten Simple Strategies for Taking Control of Your Time in every
area of your life. Make 2007 Your Best Year Ever!


Feature Article

How I Turned a Success Study into the Life of My Dreams
By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

When I first set out into business on my own, I quickly learned
that despite my infinite determination to reach my goals and
create a better life, there were huge gaps between where I was
and where I wanted to be.

Someone once told me if you want to be a Success, then study
Successful people.

One of the best things I ever did for myself was join an
organization that brought highly acclaimed mentors and
motivational speakers to speak once a month. I would bring paper
and pen to take notes and a camera in case I had the opportunity
to actually meet the speakers, which I often did. Those pictures
were images of infinite inspiration to me. I cannot begin to
explain the boost it gave me to hang them at my desk and have
them to look at every single day.

The notes I took became the blueprint for a better life.

Once a month I would attend these events, network with
entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and CEO's. There I met some
amazing people, but more importantly, found so much more than I
ever expected. I found the mentors who would help guide me at a
rapid speed to the life I had envisioned for myself.

You see, I spent the first 25 years of my life living amongst
drug dealers and gang bangers, surrounded by poverty and crime.
The messages I saw everyday in that ghetto community were
terrifying. I lost childhood friends to gang shootings and my
mother was almost caught in gang crossfire right in front of our
own house. No one should live that way.

I had to seek out new, positive, empowering messages and role
models if I was ever going to make it out alive. I had to take
complete responsibility for changing my life because no one was
coming to my rescue.

It was up to me.

I needed to go out of my way to get around the kinds of people I
wanted to be like. No one was going to come knocking on my door
and volunteer to mentor me so I had to seek out my own mentors.
I was on a mission.

I found those incredible mentors and was so grateful for their
impact on my life, I vowed to pay it forward and become a mentor
too. :)

Today, there is a place where, no matter where on Earth you
live, you can have access to the kinds of world class leaders
who mentored me. Thanks to the internet, you don't even have to
leave home. You can access their genius via your computer
anytime you want. You can download the lessons to CD's or Ipods
and take them wherever you go!

My dreams come true every day because of the commitment and the
investment I made in myself at a time when I had so little to
spend. But I made my own personal development a top priority and
it made all the difference in the world.

I am now a Motivational Speaker who gets invited to come speak
to audiences at the kind of events that change people's lives,
like the ones that changed mine.

I was recently interviewed by Heather Vale, the founder of this
unique organization.

Revealed In This Interview:

  • The most effective ways to set and achieve your goals.
  • The power of visualization and visual tools you can use to boost your results.
  • Easy things you can do to boost your motivation and increase your momentum.
  • The best thing is, when you become a Gold Member, you get more than access to just my interview, you also get access to interviews with some of my most cherished friends and mentors like:

    Vic Johnson

    Dr. John Deartini

    Jack Canfield

    Mark Joyner

    and so many more.

    As we head into the Holiday Season and begin the new year, the
    greatest gift you can give to yourself and the people you love
    is for you to become a better person.

    Make your own personal development a top priority and I promise
    you'll have miraculous results in your life too. You can
    literally transform your relationships, your body and your bank
    account if you commit to this Success Study.

    I am not just a guest who was interviewed, I am a living
    testament of what personal development and constant self
    improvement can do. I still pursue my own Success Study
    every single day. I hope you do too.

    If you want a better life, become a better you.

    Live Your Dreams,

    Jill Koenig

    Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
    A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
    an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
    Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio Show.
    Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and
    Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Goal
    Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

    Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
    this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
    that you include our byline and let us know where the article
    will be appearing.


    Blind guy listens to echos to navigate

    It's amazing what we can do if we refuse to accept limitation.

    Thursday, November 23, 2006

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Quote for the day:

    "Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for
    everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward
    is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your
    current situation."

    -Brian Tracy


    Reminder: Just released!

    The Time Commandments! Ebook

    Special Thanksgiving Offer for friends of
    only $ 14.97 until November 27th.

    Ten Simple Strategies for Taking Control of Your Time in every
    area of your life.


    I Am Thankful For You
    By Jill Koenig
    Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

    I just want to say Thank YOU.

    Thank you for being a friend.

    Thank you for investing in yourself by reading the Goal

    Thank you for believing in yourself by taking action and
    applying the timeless strategies I share each week.

    Thank you for having a hunger for self improvement.

    Thank you for being committed to growth.

    Thank you for wanting to learn more, be more and give more.

    There are people in 23 countries who are reading this

    People from a every race, religion and orientation.

    People with hope, ambition, compassion and desire for a better

    The formula for setting and achieving Goals is the same no
    matter where you go.

    We are all connected.

    The gifts that you have to bring to the world span beyond any
    religious, spiritual, economic, social or residential
    boundaries. We are all human beings with a passion for creating
    a better life and developing more of our untapped human

    Here in America, Thanksgiving is a day when we take time out and
    give thanks for our blessings.

    People get together with friends and family and reconnect. The
    tradition involves sharing food and TIME together.

    Some people only do it once a year based on a day that has been
    predetermined by the calendar or society.

    This Thanksgiving, whether you reside in America or not, whether
    you are reuniting with family or not, I want you to start a new
    habit of giving thanks today and every single day.

    You see, even in the face of your biggest challenge, you are
    blessed. The only question is, are you acknowledging your

    What we have learned about human psychology is that we become
    what we think about.

    What you focus on grows.

    So make a conscious decision to focus on what you are grateful
    for everyday.

    Make a list (write it down) every single day, of what you are
    grateful for. Nothing is too big or too small.

    Express your gratitude with whomever it applies.

    If you are married and/or have children, find something you are
    grateful for each and every day for each individual in your
    family and share them together. Expressing your gratitude for
    another is the single most important way to transform any

    Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like buying a gift
    and not giving it. (Expressing gratitude is FREE)

    Think about what you can give to the people around you.

    Your habits determine your destiny.

    Create a new habit of being grateful and expressing it every
    single day.

    I am grateful for you.

    You inspire me every single day.

    Thank YOU!

    Live Your Dreams,

    Jill Koenig

    Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist.
    A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
    an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
    Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio Show.
    Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and
    Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Goal
    Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

    Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
    this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
    that you include our byline and let us know where the article
    will be appearing.

    Monday, November 20, 2006

    Design Your Destiny

    Quote for the day:

    "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

    - Steve Jobs

    Have you noticed around you that expectations are already starting to change?

    We are heading into the Holiday Season and this is when I start to hear rumblings about how production declines and things slow down, except for the retailers who magically cash in on the droves of Holiday shoppers.

    They say real estate sales drop, momentum drops, business slows, yadda yadda yadda.

    That's hogwash.

    It doesn't drop for everyone.

    It only drops for people who believe that and buy into that mentality.

    A lot of people do slack off this time of year. It's crazy.

    For the rest of us, this is a time of year of amazing growth and opportunity.

    This is the time that I dig in deeper and really pour it on.

    Most people fall into a state of complacency between now and January 1st and then they throw together some sloppy "resolutions" out of thin air that they have absolutely no commitment to and no plan for attainment.

    I am going to devote the next six weeks to helping you strategize your goals, create plans to achieve them and redesign your life. I am going to show you how to design your destiny starting today!

    I am going to give your more tips, more teleseminars, more podcasts, more strategies and more tools to re examine, redefine and redesign your life!

    I am going to help you make the the next six weeks a time in your life of re construction and affirmation of the life you know you are truly capable of living.

    Are you in or are you in?

    Great, let's go!

    Let's focus the next six weeks on building momentum and creating new habits to carry into today, tomorrow and the new year. You are going to wake up energized, and hungry to seize the day. You are going to become a lean mean Goal Achieving Machine!

    It starts right now.

    The first step is to get serious about your time.

    The Time Commandments Ebook is the foundation for arranging your life so that your goals and dreams become a priority instead of being an afterthought.

    To help you get a head start on programming yourself for success starting NOW, I am making the ebook available for only $ 14.97 until November 27th. Then the price goes up. I love to reward those who take quick decisive action on their dreams.

    Get it here:

    I want you to be conscious about how you spend your time over the next six weeks.

    It's time to transform your life.

    It begins by transforming yourself.

    Make the commitment.

    Let's go.

    Live Your Dreams,

    Jill Koenig

    Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is America's Top Goal Strategist. A
    Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an
    expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
    Business Success. She is the host of the Goal Guru Radio Show.
    Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and
    Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Goal
    Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

    Need fresh content for your ezine? You are welcome to reprint
    this article on your web site or in your ezine. We simply ask
    that you include our byline and let us know where the article
    will be appearing.


    Thursday, November 09, 2006

    What if You Could Have 42 Millionaires Spend the Next Week At Your Home or Office?

    He was named one of the Top 100 Entrepreneurs for the
    last 100 years... can you guess who?


    Some find this question easy, others have no clue how to respond.

    You ready?

    Here's the question...

    How do you measure business success?

    Is it total sales?
    Net profit?
    Number of employees?
    Prestigeous awards and recognition?
    What about personal wealth?
    It's a challenging thought but there is one person who
    would easily qualify as one of America's most
    successful entrepreneurs, however you decide to define
    business success.


    He went...

    FROM Poverty & of the 25th
    Wealthiest People in America

    FROM Homeless...TO... a 12,000 Square Foot Home
    FROM Working at a traveling carnival... TO...Being
    named National Entrepreneur of the Year...

    ...AND inducted into the Entrepreneur Hall of Fame...
    ...AND named one of the top 100 Entrepreneurs in
    America for the last 100 years!


    It doesn't end there.

    He also went...

    FROM a High School drop-out...TO... a lawyer, subject
    of a Harvard Business School Case Study

    FROM a Street gang member...TO... Being awarded a
    permanent place in Smithsonian Institute’s National
    Museum of American History

    FROM riding a city bus...TO...Flying his own $25
    million jet aircraft

    FROM drawing unemployment...TO...Employing more than
    10,000 people


    Listen to him share how he did it on Saturday November
    11th during a two-hour special presentation... all for
    less than $100.


    You'll get access to over 40+ other powerful *LIVE*
    presentations from some of today's top business
    leaders, trainers, and inspirational luminaries.

    It's part of one of the most unique events of 2006
    called Virtual Seminar Week.


    Here's where it gets even better...
    After each presentation you'll even have a chance to
    ask questions!

    So, have you guessed who our "mystery man" is featured

    Find out today and be sure to register while tickets
    are available. Go to:


    Perhaps I'll hear your question after the presentation!

    Take care.
