Relaxing with Friends
This is video of sea otters, Milo and Nyac from the
Vancouver Aquarium, holding hands.
Nyac was rescued and cared for after the
Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989.
For sea otters, holding hands is a survival instinct.
Goal Guru, Goal Blog, Goal Tips, Goal Setting, Goal Achieving, Time Management and Life Balance for Superachievers
So many people wrote me with their answers to what they would do if they were diagnosed with a life threatening disease and told they had one year to live.
I received hundreds of emails from people asking me what my answer was.
This is what I would do:
I would do exactly what I am doing now, except for one thing...
I would not give up on living.
I would continue to fight to have a long, healthy life.
I would seek additional opinions from a mutlitude of medical (traditional and non traditional) resources.
I would invest extra time, energy and resources into becoming healthy.
Because of this and because so many of you wrote me asking for tips how to obtain absolute health and wellness, increase energy and lose weight, I have teamed up with the Team of Experts at to launch a brand new 10 Week Bootcamp.
If you want more energy, better nutrition, increased mental clarity, or to lose 10, 50 or even 100+ pounds, this program is designed just for you.
I will be hosting an introductory Teleseminar and you're invited!
Sign up here:
Watch this video. This is a man you may have heard of who was also diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told he had 3-6 months to live and fought for his life.Labels: diets 101, one year to love, steve jobs commencement
Labels: goal setting, goals, one year to live, time perspective
Commitment is to your dreams what fuel is to an automobile.
You wouldn't expect a car to move forward without gasoline? Would you?
Of course not.
Then how do you expect your dreams to be realized without your absolute commitment?
You cannot be ambiguous about your dreams.Would you want to be in a marriage with someone who is not 100% committed? What about 99% faithful? 99% honest?
How much fun do you think that would be?
Greatness happens when you are truly committed to something or someone. People around you can feel it. Your burning desire is contagious. Your determination is infectious.
Not only do others become inspired to help you and support you, but they also feel more inspired to go after their own dreams. The collective effect of that type of synergy can move mountains.In the times when you are terrified, let your commitment be greater.
Focus on your commitment.
There are millions of ideas and inventions that are sitting on a shelf or in someone's attic or even worse, in a grave somewhere because someone gave up. Maybe they were one more action, one more day or one person away from success, but they quit instead. The world will be forever deprived of that thing, that gift that was placed in them that only they could bring.
Perhaps it was a song, a book, a movie, a lover, a painting, a company or something that might have changed the world for the better. We look at the Bill Gates, the Thomas Edisons and the Oprahs of the world and we think they had a higher intelligence or luck. What they were/are is COMMITTED. They had gifts, ideas and talents and persisted. While en route to their vision, they attracted and teamed up with other great minds, people who could help propel that vision forward. When something didn't go as planned, they never considered quitting, ever.
When the hours were long and the money was short, their passion and drive sustained them through every adversity.
Most people want a guarantee before they will invest themselves. So they wait. They stop giving. They hope. They sit frozen in fear. They want proof in advance that there will be results and then they will commit. (so they never get the results, they sit on the fence and the opportunity passes them by).
Leaders commit FIRST and make the way. They back it up with their actions. They ensure the results they desire by the depth of their commitment, their promises, their resolve and their deliberate actions.
Your persistence is your measure of faith in yourself.
What goals and dreams can you embark upon or renew with 100% commitment?
Live Your Dreams!
Jill Koenig
Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru" is America's Top Goal Strategist.
A best selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is
an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and
Business Success. Her Goal in life is to help you UNLEASH
your untapped potential. Learn cutting edge Goal Strategies at
Media Requests: Jill Koenig is a dynamic high energy tv and
radio guest available for interviews and corporate speaking
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Labels: commitment, determination, goals, persistence