Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Part 2 If You Had Only One Year to Live...

The response to our last topic was nothing short of remarkable.

So many people wrote me with their answers to what they would do if they were diagnosed with a life threatening disease and told they had one year to live.

I received hundreds of emails from people asking me what my answer was.

This is what I would do:

I would do exactly what I am doing now, except for one thing...

I would not give up on living.

I would continue to fight to have a long, healthy life.

I would seek additional opinions from a mutlitude of medical (traditional and non traditional) resources.

I would invest extra time, energy and resources into becoming healthy.

Because of this and because so many of you wrote me asking for tips how to obtain absolute health and wellness, increase energy and lose weight, I have teamed up with the Team of Experts at Diets101.com to launch a brand new 10 Week Bootcamp.

If you want more energy, better nutrition, increased mental clarity, or to lose 10, 50 or even 100+ pounds, this program is designed just for you.

I will be hosting an introductory Teleseminar and you're invited!

Sign up here:


Watch this video. This is a man you may have heard of who was also diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told he had 3-6 months to live and fought for his life.

Remember to register for http://www.Diets101.com

Space is limited.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig


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