Wednesday, May 24, 2006

An Unlikely Idol

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

On the eve of another American Idol being crowned I wanted to share some lessons from one of the show's main characters.

There are lessons everywhere if you are looking for them.

I am going to talk about resilience.

Here is the definition:

Resilience: springing back

Most people don't know Paula Abdul is a great example of resilience.

This is what some her resume looks like:

Laker Girl
American Idol Judge
Jewelry Designer

After being a Los Angeles Lakers cheerleader, Paula was the choreographer on some of Janet Jackson's most famous music videos. Paula had her own success in the music industry. She is also known for a marriage to Emilio Estevez (Martin Sheen's son) and for being a dedicated mother.

Here is what you might not know:

Paula Abdul had some down time in her career. She had some challenges. After her own albums had so much success in the 80's, she experiences some health issues. Paula had a herniation of discs that were pressing on her spinal chord and on nerves coming off her spine. Ouch. She experienced a lot of pain and elected to have surgery to insert plates in her neck.

As she endured the pain of her back and neck issues, she needed to recuperate and this allowed her some quiet time out of the limelight to do some soul searching. During this time of self-reflection, she continued to create content and write songs.

While she was writing songs, she got a phone call from her music publisher who told her that a UK artist wanted to record one of her songs, "Spinning Around."

That artist was Kylie Minogue. Kylie recorded it and Spinning Around instantly dominated the British airwaves, in fact, it was the first time ever in Kylie's career that she entered the charts at #1!

Within one year, a new show was launching in the UK called "Pop Idol." It became a phenomenon in England. They contacted Paula because so many of the contestants wanted to sing "Spinning Around" for the show and they needed Paula's permission. Paula was invited to appear on the show as a one time guest.

Unfortunately, Paula couldn't go because she was having yet another back surgery. Between 1998 and 2003, Paula had 12 neck operations. Later, a neurologist diagnosed her with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, a painful neurological disorder.

So while she was recovering from this, the show Pop Idol was launching it's American version called American Idol (2002). Paula was invited to audition and thought it would be a great opportunity because she felt she was good at spotting talent. The show has gone on to generate hundreds of millions of dollars and has launched dozens of careers. I love to see people going after their dreams. I love to study success and American Idol is one BIG success story.

Some people think you are a has been if you are out of the spotlight for a little while. We all need time to regroup from time to time and re evaluate our goals. Paula never gave up. She endured setbacks and difficulty but she kept on with developing her talents and looking for new opportunities.

This is what Paula says about resilience:

"You are never washed up.

You have to be fearless.

Get past that fear and jump right in."

What is something you are afraid of doing, but if you did it, your life could change drastically for the better?

Be fearless and do it.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Peak of All Peaks

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

On May 15, Mark Inglis became the first person to conquer Mt Everest ... using artificial limbs.

Inglis is a double amputee who lost his legs below the knees due to frostbite in 1982 while scaling New Zealand's highest peak, Mt Cook. A blizzard forced Inglis and his climbing partner to spend two weeks in an ice cave. The pair barely survived. The incident did not diminish Inglis' passion for climbing.

The Kiwi mountaineer's success was all the sweeter after he was forced to repair one of his carbon fiber legs. On the night of May 1st, at 7000m Inglis experienced a fall when a fixed line anchor pulled out of the ice. His right carbon leg broke into two pieces. He was able to rebuild it well enough to continue.

Speaking before the expedition, Inglis said his goal was to conquer Everest because it was the peak of all peaks.

"Mountaineering was one of Ernest Hemmingway's three 'true sports', the sports that punish you for inattention or incompetence, the sports that the consequences of having a 'bad day' can quite often be your life.

Climbing epitomizes the concept of 'must do' in life. There is no room for just a can do attitude in the extreme environment of the New Zealand Alps so if a mountaineer can take that must do attitude to the rest of their life, they are unstoppable!"

Inglis also happens to be an avid cyclist. This is what he says about cycling vs mountain climbing,

"To train for cycling is to commit your life to pushing your self to the limits of your physiology, to knowingly submit yourself to intense effort and pain.

Perhaps the most difficult part of cycling at an elite level is that at anytime all you need to do is squeeze the brakes and step off the bike to stop the pain, it is so easy to do and hence makes the continuation so much more difficult. Climbers have it easy, when you are 1000m up a face you can't just say stop and be instantly transported to safety and comfort, many decisions are not available."

Wow. How true also in your daily life. When it comes to your goals, my friend, the same applies to you. On your way to your dreams, at any time you can stop or give up. It is so easy to do. But it makes the continuation that much more difficult. We start, we stop, we get off the bike, we get back on, again and again and we wonder why it's taking so long to get where we want to go! That is precisely why I created the Goal Rush system. When it gets difficult, you keep peddling, or climbing or whatever it is you need to do to propel your goal forward.

People who are this passionate about what they want to do will not let anything deter them. Sure things will happen. Yes, you will make errors in judgement. Yes, you will make mistakes. Yes, it sometimes takes longer than you ever imagined. Yes, you will get tired. Yes, you will have pain. Yes, it might cost more than you thought it would. Yes, there will be obstacles to overcome. Yes, there will be times you question if you can succeed.

But.... Yes, your greatest goals will challenge you to become all that you can be. Yes, each obstacle will reveal to you more of your own inner resources. Yes, every morsel of your blood, sweat and tears will unleash more of your own human potential. Yes, the pursuit of worthy goals will open a whole new world to you if you stay focused on your goal.

By constantly going after your goals with passion and determination, you will shape yourself into a powerful force. There is a champion inside us all. You will reveal to yourself the champion inside you. I believe in you and I want to see your goals realized. With each new goal you conquer, you will reveal to yourself the infinite power inside you.

What is your Everest? What is your highest vision? What is your biggest goal? There is a force in you waiting to be awakened. I know you can reach your peak of all peaks.

You can do it.

I know you can.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig - Snowboard Superstore

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Power of Association

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

One topic related to Goal Achievement I cannot stress enough involves the power of association. When people get stuck and come to me for solutions, one of the first questions I ask is, "Who are you hanging around?"

To break it down to it's most basic form, the people you are associating with are either building you up (encouraging and supportive) or dragging you down (discouraging you, non supportive). I know it sounds so brutal, but it's true. There are some people who are so doggone supportive, they leave you feeling like you can do anything. Their belief in you instantly propels you to higher levels. Then there are other people who are so blinded by their own fears, limiting beliefs and lack of direction, that over time, they rub off on you... in a toxic or negative way. They discourage you because they lack their own courage. Sometimes this is painfully obvious and sometimes this is subtle.

This does not mean you should abandon your friendships, rather become conscious and selective about where you are investing your time and energy and with whom. I have lifelong friends whom I love dearly, but I feel drained whenever I am around them. They seem to experience the same problems that cycle over and over in their life and they never seem to take responsibility or seek solutions in their own behavior or choices. They don't read, they don't listen to self-improvement programs or take action to change their circumstances. They gradually nudge you off course with their negativity. With those people, I learned to have limited associations. I am able to stay connected but without the negative effects.

I recently reviewed a biography about Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison hung around other inventors for most of his life, other visionary, highly focused achievers. At the end of his life, he was hanging out with the likes of Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. These three pioneers were considered to be the top leaders of American industry at that time. They worked and vacationed together and Ford even purchased a home right next to Edison in FL, where Edison finished out his life, tinkering away at his home-based research lab.

Ford, Firestone and Edison had fun parties, including marathon dances with other leaders and their families, and even went camping for weeks at a time together in the mountains of the north east US often bringing others with them, including President Harding and President Coolidge.

Can you imagine what it would be like to hang out with people like that? Imagine the masterminding and brainstorming sessions they shared.

To become more successful, you've got to get around more successful people. This is where you will form many new alliances with other like-minded, big thinkers. One idea, one suggestion or one introduction to a new associate can change your entire life. Find out where goal oriented people hang out and get there. One such event is my upcoming Goal Bootcamp. Many entrepreneurs' missing link will be in the room during that event. The room will be full of people who have the solutions to your growth, and you will hold the solution to someone else's growth. So when it is announced make certain you are there. (be sure you are subscribed to the Goal Guru newsletter list)

You cannot afford to spend time with blamers and complainers. I'm telling you, it will rub off on you. Slowly but surely, if you tolerate such behavior, it will become you.

You become like the people you hang around.

To get around encouraging people, become an encouraging person. Work on yourself daily. Work on your goals daily. Instead of focusing on what you can get, focus on what you can give to every person in every situation. If you can contribute value to others' goals, chances are they'll be likely to contribute to your goals. Leaders hang around leaders.

If you want to stay focused on your goals, seek out and hang out with others who have their own.

Get around people who force you to grow. Get around people who challenge you. Get around people who work on their own personal development. Get around people who encourage you to work on yourself. Get around people who encourage you to stretch. Get around people who cause you to be a better person. Get around positive people.

Take an objective look at the people you are spending time with. Ask yourself, who are you hanging around? Are your current associations aligned with who you want to become?

Who do you want to get around? Who are you becoming? What changes will you need to make to create these opportunities to meet and connect with the kind of people you can synergize with in work and play? And then do it. You will attract amazing, goal oriented leaders into your life.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Nothing Is Impossible!

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

I do believe that anything a human being can conceive, they can achieve. The bigger question becomes, is the person going to have the desire, commitment and determination to see the goal through.

Nothing is impossible.

There are ideas and inventions that were created in the past 20 years that seemed crazy when they were first attempted. Now we use them every day and cannot imagine life without them.

Here are some examples of Visions that once seemed impossible:

The Telephone
The Four Minute Mile
Fax Machine
Cell Phones
The Personal Computer
The Internet

Oh how I marvel at the creators who dared to persist and overcome adversities in order to succeed. I am literally in awe.

I don't watch much tv, but I do Tivo programs that I think might be interesting and I watch them on the weekend. I can fast forward past the commercials (time management tip) I save hours per week by chunking my tv watching this way.

I Tivo'd Nightline the other day and was fascinated by what I learned.

The US military has a compound outside of Las Vegas, NV where soldiers pilot aircraft. The aircraft they pilot are over in IRAQ! Yes, they use remote controls to navigate unmanned Predator aircraft that are in the air 7,500 miles away!

These aircraft are equipped with cameras, carry Hellfire missiles and the pilots in NV can fire at enemy on the ground. The aircraft can fly up to 20 hours at a stretch without refueling. This creation was once a goal. It was once someone's vision. How much persistence do you think it took to bring this goal to life? Might there have been a few challenges along the way? How much teamwork do you think it took to coordinate all of the undersea cables, satellite devices and remote communication tools and technology to make it all work?

Goals are the most motivating force on Earth. They bring people together, they challenge us and force us to grow. They help us to become more than we thought we could be. Goals cause us to attempt the things that ordinary people think are crazy. Goals dare us to overcome. Goals dare us to dream.

This hangs on my wall:

Impossible is Nothing!
Impossible is just a big word
thrown around by small men,
who find it easier to live
in a world they have been given,
than to explore the
power they have to change it.
Impossible is not a fact
it's an opinion.
Impossible is not a declaration.
It's a dare.
Impossible is potential.
Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is nothing!

I dare you to set a big goal today. I dare you to pursue the "impossible."

Live Your Dreams!

Jill Koenig

Daily Deals at

Monday, May 01, 2006

Akeelah and the Bee

By Jill Koenig
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker

I am a sponge. I am always learning, no matter what activity I am engaged in. I derive inspiration from everyone and everything around me. I heard a great deal of positive buzz about a movie called "Akeelah and the Bee" which was just released in theaters in America so I went to see what it was all about.

It is a story about an 11 year old girl, named Akeelah, who lives in thug infested South Central Los Angeles, where scholastic goals are perceived as a sign of inferiority. Akeelah's father is deceased, her brother is involved with gangs, her sister is raising a newborn baby on her own. Akeelah's mother is worn out and stressed out from the demands of life. Akeelah experiences the gamut of social and educational challenges that many children her age experience. However, Akeelah happens to be terrific at spelling words. Akeelah wins the spelling bee at her school and her principal challenges her to strive for the next level at the NationalSpelling Bee competition in Washington DC. There the participants are asked to spell complex words that most of us will never hear in our lifetime.

Although he recognizes her raw abilities, her principal understands the highly advanced level of the participants at the national level so he recommends Akeelah get coached by a former spelling bee champion and professor. Akeelah's school was not known for academic excellence. She would need to learn everything she could about word origins. I got butterflies as I watched her ambivalence about utilizing a coach, something that many people experience initially. The Professor/coach teaches Akeelah in a way that challenges her to think, not merely to memorize words. Akeelah is faced with the decision to stay at her current level or work with a coach and strive to become a Champion.

There are times in every life when you are faced with a decision to stay comfortable where you are, or to strive to achieve a higher level. This requires taking risks. It takes courage and brings uncertainty and unknown pain and pleasure. Akeelah chose to see how high she could go. Her resolve and commitment inspired everyone around her. It will inspire you too.

I won't give away the ending because it is not as predictable as you might think. You will be on the edge of your seat. I was cheering and shouting at the screen and so was everyone around me. You could feel the energy in the theater. You will be cheering for Akeelah to develop her greatness. I suggest you see it as soon as you can and when it is released on DVD, add it to your DVD library.

We all want to live up to our potential. We all want to better our best. We don't always know how to get there on our own, but once we set a goal, a coach can help us stay with it and achieve it in less time.

Akeelah did all the right things. She set a goal, she found a coach, she surrounded herself with other supportive, successful people, even though it took a great deal of time and effort. She found visual images of her goal and viewed them regularly and allowed her subconscious mind to work on her dream. She saw herself as a Champion in her own mind. When her loved ones did not support her initially, her display of courage, commitment and determination inspired them to jump on board. The same thing will happen on your way to your dreams.

If you want to discover the Champion inside you, consider hiring a coach. When a coach appears, seize the opportunity to have someone to bring out the best in you.

Sometimes in life you need to work with someone who sees your potential. I accomplished so many things in life and business because someone saw more potential in me than I knew I had. My coaches and mentors led me towards a greater destiny than I knew how to achieve on my own. I honor them every time I give a little more, go a little further and encourage others to do the same.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that otherpeople won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us -- it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

I challenge you to find all of the greatness inside of you.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Fifth Grade Spelling Bee Champion
Author, Coach, Motivational Speaker